Thieves Got Away With Thousands In The World's Biggest Sex Toy Heist

Photo: Courtesy of Fun Toys.
Thieves in Germany just made away with more than £45,500 in sex toys, in what is believed to be the biggest recorded sex toy heist in history.
Representatives at Fun Toys London had just finished debuting their erotic toy line at a sex toy exhibition in Berlin when they stepped away from the boxes they were getting ready to load into a truck. When the Fun Toys staff came back, all except for brochures, bags, and a few boxes of testers were gone.
"ALL of the Fun Toy products, worth over £45,500 had been stolen," Jack Romanski, a representative of Fun Toys, said in a statement shared with Refinery29. There was one small comfort, at least. "Our award, Erotix Awards 2017, was on the scene which was consoling."
When Fun Toys' representative Marco Tortoni stepped away again to talk with the police, four more boxes were stolen. Romanski said it's the largest recorded sex toy heist in history, which was even more surprising because they didn't even experience the small theft they expected to see.
"What is amusing is that not a single tester went missing during the days of the exhibition," Romanski said.
The fact that this is the largest recorded heist is no small feat, since sex toy thefts seem to happen relatively often. Earlier this year, thieves stole £7,500 worth of sex toys and 30,000 condoms from a Lelo warehouse in Las Vegas, a couple shoplifted jewellery and sex toys from a mall in 2016 after getting engaged, and in 2013 £400 worth of sex toys were taken from the trunk of a woman's car.
Fun Toys London hasn't yet had a break in the case, but is asking that anyone who notices their toys being sold anywhere other than their distributors contact the police.
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