A Lesbian Couple Had The Best Response To One Of Their Dads Being Homophobic

Destiny, a queer woman in Arizona, recently had an unfortunate run-in with her homophobic dad. He came into the home that she shares with her girlfriend, Destenny, took the rainbow flag they had hanging on their wall, and threw it away, Pink News reports.
Instead of defiantly pulling their flag from the trash or buying another one, the two women had a much more permanent solution. They carefully painted a rainbow flag directly on the wall.
Destenny posted their act of resistance to Twitter, where followers have gone wild with support for the women.
As of writing, the post has more than 36,000 likes and commenters are calling the couple "goals."
Many people were wondering, how did Destiny's dad react? So Destenny filled us in. In short, he said that their "permanent" solution isn't so permanent since he can still paint over it.
Many people wondered, both out of concern for Destiny's safety and that her dad could easily come through on his threat to paint over the flag, if the two actually lived in his house. But Destenny made it clear that they don't. The flag was actually painted on the wall in Destiny's mom's house, where she and Destenny live part of the time. And her mom is supportive of the women and their relationship.
As for the women's safety, Destenny assured her followers that they were doing well and had the support of other family members if anything were to happen. For now, they're happy and proud to be living in a house with their new perfectly-painted rainbow.
Refinery29 has reached out to Destenny and will update this post if we receive a response.
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