Move Over Pineapple! This Pizza Topping Is Even More Controversial

Photographed by Alexandra Gavillet.
If you can't stand pineapple on pizza, buckle your seatbelt because yet another fruit has made its debut on the cheesy dish and you might think this one is even more gag-worthy.
Yesterday, a Twitter user named @MoonEmojii posted a photo of a round pizza that was covered in strawberry slices. Accompanying the photo, the user simply wrote, "strawberries>>pineapples."
Among the globs of melted cheese were circular slices of the red fruit, and the pizza even had a slice taken out, that we assume someone ate. Though @MoonEmojii insists that strawberries on a pizza are better than pineapple on pizza, we're having a hard time imagining that they're all that different.
If you hate pineapple pizza, you probably hate it because you think the fruit's sweet flavour doesn't belong on a savoury dish. Or, you might hate it because experiencing that burst of juiciness just isn't pleasant when chewing pizza. If you were to swap those pineapple cubes out for strawberry slices, the problems remain, right?
Naturally, since the photo was tweeted 23 hours ago, it has been retweeted 1,200 times, and so many pizza purists are commenting their outrage and disgust. Although it might seem like eating strawberries on pizza isn't all that different from eating pineapple on pizza, even a pineapple pizza lovers are speaking out against the atrocity.
Though we do, of course, understand where these people's revulsion is coming from, it's also not lost on us that we're big fans of fruit and cheese plates. The main difference with this dish is the tomato sauce, which ads an X-factor, taste-wise.
While the majority of reactions on Twitter are extremely negative, there are a few people who had the same cheese plate thought, while some cited other reasons they're not ruling out the possibility of someday trying out this controversial pizza topping.
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