Shannon Purser Comes To Finn Wolfhard's Defence After Stranger Things Fans Bad-Mouth Him

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
Actress Shannon Purser has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to fans disrespecting her Stranger Things family, as Teen Vogue reports. Known for her role as Barb on the Netflix series, Purser came to actor Finn Wolfhard’s defence after a video of him surfaced on Twitter.
"Imagine being 14 and heartless that you can't even stop for your fans who made you famous in the first place! WOW," said the user, whose Twitter account is now private. The tweet was accompanied by a video of Wolfhard, known for his role as Mike Wheeler, choosing not to stop and sign autographs or chat with fans waiting outside of his hotel.
Purser saw the tweet and had a few choice words for the Twitter user who shared the video and pretty much anyone who feels entitled to a celebrity’s free time.
"Okay, no. No actor is under any obligation to stop for anyone. Finn is an incredibly kind human. But he's human and he needs breaks too,” she said. “I experience this on a significantly smaller scale, obviously, but I've had people waiting for me in hotel lobbies, at my airport gate, etc.”
After Purser’s debut in season 1 of Stranger Things, her character Barb achieved cult-level fandom, as questions surrounding Barb's plight remained a mystery. Light spoiler: it’s a mystery no more. Judging from Purser’s tweet, we'll guess those Barb stans are still lurking around during her free time.
The actress continued, pointing out that as an adult even she is often intimidated by fans. For Wolfhard, a 14-year-old, it has to be overwhelming. In an era where celebrities are taking even paid public appearances with fans off the table, Purser’s final comment about the toxic nature of celebrity culture nailed it.
"They give you their art,” she said. “They love their fans. Don't take advantage of that. And if you can't handle them needing space, stay away.”
You can read Purser's entire thread below.
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