Kelly Clarkson Never Loved A Man The Way She Loves THIS Man

Photo: Noam Galai/Getty Images.
Kelly Clarkson shared a story with her fans about how she never felt that feeling inside until she met her husband Brandon Blackstock, People reports.
"This isn't a downer to anybody I dated before him, but I'm just going to be real: I never felt like, honestly, sexually attracted to anybody before him," Clarkson confessed at the private show at the Highline Ballroom in New York on Friday. "You know, everybody's different. But there was just something about him."
The Grammy-winner went on to say that before meeting Blackstock, she believed she was asexual. She claimed that when she met him, something just clicked.
Clarkson first met Blackstock at the Academy of Country Music Awards in 2006. She was singing a duet that year with Rascal Flatts, and Blackstock was the band's tour manager at the time. The next part of the story she shared sounds like it couldn't have happened more perfectly if it were in a rom-com. "Literally, I'm not joking...he walked by, I was like, ready to take it all off. I just felt something," Clarkson said.
Maybe this natural chemistry with Blackstock is what inspired some of the anthems on her new album, Meaning of Life?
At the time, Blackstock was married to actress Melissa Ashworth, so nothing happened because, as Clarkson was quick to mention, she "ain't that girl." She didn't see him again until 2012 after he and his former wife had divorced. During the six years between their meetings, Clarkson recounted that she hadn't really dated anyone in that time.
According to Clarkson, the feelings may have been clear in her head, but they weren't completely clear to her would-be husband. When she finally told Blackstock that she was interested, she admitted it came as a surprise. Not only was he shocked, but he was under the impression she disliked him. "Inside I was like, 'Ask me out!' but outside I was like, 'I love being single and coming home every night alone. It's awesome,'" she said.
The couple married in 2013 and are raising four children together, two from Blackstock's previous marriage and two from their own. She finished her story with some words of wisdom she now shares with her 16-year-old stepdaughter. Clarkson advises that while it can be hard to find that feeling, to wait it out because anything less isn't worth it.
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