Another Game Of Thrones Character Bites The Dust & Takes A Fan Theory With Them

It appears yet another Game of Thrones character has met her demise. Yet, unlike many of those who went before her — Joffrey Baratheon, who was poisoned; Tywin Lannister, who was shot on the pot; Catelyn Stark, whose throat was slit; Margery Tyrell, who was incinerated in wildfire — this Westerosi darling got to keep her life, though the actress who played her seems to have lost the opportunity to collect another GoT pay cheque.
If you're still reading by now, I'm assuming that you know there are going to be spoilers ahead.
According to Vanity Fair, actress Ellie Kendrick told Metro her days as Meera Reed are likely over.
"It's funny because I always get asked, 'What's going to happen? Are you in [season 8]?' Genuinely, the truth is I don't know," she said. "I wait for the phone to ring and then I find out, but it hasn't rung so I don't know. I'll find out whether I am or not at some point, but for now I haven't been notified so I'm yet to discover."
Let's get this straight: Meera lugged Bran's ass all over the place, protecting him from harsh winters and possible wight attacks, and she doesn't even get a phone call? Without her, Weirdo Warg wouldn't have been able to even pee, let alone be reunited with his sisters.
Kendrick even told Metro that she was actually responsible for physically putting actor Isaac Hempstead Wright on the sled and sacrificing her spine as she "[dragged] him across any wintered land."
Once again, women do all of the work while the men reap the rewards. Down with the patriarchy, I say!
Another interesting tidbit arose from these interviews. As Vanity Fair points out, if Meera is actually out of the picture, she probably isn't Jon Snow's sister. Apologies to all who were rooting for yet another Targaryen.
Honestly, the only solace I currently feel is knowing that Bran will likely never be king; no, not even the Night King.
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