Naomi Scott Says The New Princess Jasmine Will Be More "Multidimensional" Than Her Animated Counterpart

Photo: Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images.
In addition to adding new characters and giving the internet a brand-new boyfriend, Disney's Aladdin remake will bring viewers a new take on Princess Jasmine. According to actor Naomi Scott, who'll play the princess of Agrabah, the new incarnation of everyone's favourite tiger-adjacent princess will be more fun-loving and fancy-free.
Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, Scott said that the team behind Aladdin wasn't afraid to start things from scratch. She explained that they essentially started over again when it came to Princess Jasmine, even going so far as giving her a human friend (that's where Nasim Pedrad comes in, as Dalia) and making her more "well-rounded."
"I love what Disney is doing at the moment with their princesses — going from animation to live-action and making those animated characters real human beings," Scott told The Hollywood Reporter. "Being a female character is also about being a real person, and guess what? [She] can be strong and have fun, but also get it wrong and be emotional. She's a multidimensional woman, and she doesn't have to just be one thing. So in this movie, you see her go on such a roller coaster, as opposed to her one goal being to fall in love or get married."
Fans will remember that in the animated classic, Jasmine wasn't content to just get married to any of the eligible princes that her dad, the sultan, brought her way. Even an epic parade didn't convince her. Scott added that Jasmine was essentially the only female character in the whole film, so adding a handmaid/best friend will give the new film — and, in turn, Jasmine — a different vibe.
Even though she's the princess of Agrabah, city of mystery and enchantment, the OG Jasmine never really showed any desire to rule. That'll change with the new telling, Scott says. Jasmine doesn't just develop into a more full-fledged character, she's got a focus on leadership, too, and that's something very timely.
"You really get in this adaptation of the movie that her heart is for her people, and her main objective is what’s best for her kingdom," she said. "And you really get a sense that she has those leadership qualities within her."
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