Of Course, Sesame Street Has The Perfect Stranger Things Parody

It's officially holiday season, and that can mean a lot of family time. We already know that talking to your parents about Stranger Things is a great way to break the ice and ease any tension...but did you know the bizarre happenings in Hawkins can be just as appealing to kids?
If you have any doubts, allow me to introduce you to Sesame Street's latest parody, "Sharing Things," a.k.a. the easiest way to win over your hard-to-please nephew while also getting in a quick laugh.
The nearly six-minute sketch takes place on Halloween and follows Cookie Monster – who has been transformed into the Cookiegorgon – after he leaves his pal Barb behind in the adorably named Snackside Down and embarks on an adventure to Hawkins where he plans to eat as many treats as he can find.
From start to finish, the video is jam-packed with references to the series, including Hopper's frustration with rotting pumpkin patches, the elaborate town map plastered on every inch of the Byers' walls, the lurking Shadow Monster (in this instance, a trick-or-treating octopus), Dart's insatiable hunger, and even an appearance from Eleven's sister, Eight.
And, for all of you Barb stans out there, her character gets more screen time in this short clip than in the series' entire second season. It's honestly a must-watch for any fan, whether children are present or not.
Since it also has to be a bit educational, the Cookiegorgon learns that while he can gobble up a plate of baked goods in seconds all by himself, life is way more enjoyable when you share with your friends. So, heed Sesame Street's advice and share this clip with someone you love, because we've got a while until Stranger Things 3 comes out...and we all need something to tide us over.

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