Donald Trump Jr. Tries — & Fails — To Clap Back At Jennifer Lawrence

At this point, Donald Trump Jr. has proven to be a pro at stirring up controversy and opening the door wide open for backlash. Recent examples include his criticism of Hollywood elites for being sexual predators (hello, have you heard your father's Access Hollywood tape?) and his plainly inaccurate comparison of trick-or-treating and socialism. He also told people to vote on the wrong date, but who's keeping track?
Well, friends, Donny's done it again. According to Yahoo, Trump Jr. had some thoughts on Jennifer Lawrence's recent interview with Oprah for The Hollywood Reporter, in which she claimed she'd gladly chuck a martini in the president's face if given the chance.
Jr. didn't like that and responded on Thursday by saying, "I'm pretty sure that's not how it would end..."
The problem with opened-ended statements like that is that people will proved their own conclusions, especially when the subject has a history of indecent behaviour.
In response, one Twitter user shared an image with the transcript from the Access Hollywood tape, in which then-civilian Donald Trump bragged about forcibly kissing and grabbing women.
Others had similar ideas, writing things like, "It would end with Donald sexually harassing her," and "Would Daddy Drumpf grab her, too??"
Sexual misconduct is on the forefront of many people's minds, especially as more high-profile men in entertainment and politics are punished for their repugnant actions. Trump Jr., however, continues to attack anyone but his father, whom The Atlantic reports has been accused of sexual harassment and assault by at least 19 women.
Earlier today, Jr. fired off a tweet seeming to poke fun at Sen. Al Franken, who announced his resignation in the midst of his own sexual assault allegations. That went just about as well.
Better luck next time, Don.

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