The Anti-Vegan Backlash Has Begun & It's Called Februdairy

photographed by Nicole Maroon.
Judging by the amount of media coverage Veganuary received, you'd be forgiven for thinking the whole world gave up animal products last month. There's been much hype around #plantbased diets in recent years and veganism is in the ascendant. According to the Vegan Society, there were three and a half times as many vegans in the UK in 2016 as there were in 2006, bringing the number up to an estimated 542,000.
It's not just because veganism is now "trendy", either – vegan alternatives of our favourite foods (hello, camembert!) are tastier than ever, and evidence of cruel farming practices is no longer glossed over. People increasingly care about animal rights and how the food they eat gets on their plate.
But now dairy farmers are fighting back with a campaign to promote their products in the UK. #Februdairy, which admittedly isn't the catchiest name, was launched in response to Veganuary for the first time this month.
So far, the campaign amounts to a Twitter account with over 1,800 followers at the time of writing, and a hashtag which, while yet to break the internet, has been included in a few popular tweets. One points out the additives in Alpro almond milk, some include videos of a few cows running around, while others refer to the health benefits of dairy products as part of a balanced diet.
The farmers behind the campaign are also attempting to start a viral #MilkPintChallenge, in which people drink a pint of milk and nominate others to do the same, and to raise awareness of what they're calling the "misinformation" that has circulated about the dairy industry recently.
However, vegans aren't taking this lying down and have started a backlash in the form of #FebNoDairy and #Februtaldairy, through which they're promoting the ethical, environmental and health benefits of a plant-based diet.
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