As much as I fancy myself an experienced entertainment guru, there are some things that shock even me, and this, ladies and gentleman, has rocked me to my core. Growing up, the Jim Carrey version of The Grinch disturbed me for many reasons, but mainly due to his hazy nether regions that force the viewer to wonder whether or not there's any genitalia down there (here are the receipts from 2012). By trying to just kind of vaguely cover it up, Universal instead Shape Of Water-ed me into fixating on it, but now this 2018 animated reboot starring Benedict Cumberbatch might be here to save the day.
Past experience with Grinches of all kinds led me to believe that he was more or less naked, but this new trailer for The Grinch just changed the game. Not only does he wake up wearing underwear:
He then puts on pants that are the exact colour and texture of his fur:
Pardon? Has this always been a thing? Or is this Universal trying to right its past wrongs and give me an anatomical reality I can stomach?
Whatever the reason (likely to stop young children from experiencing the same trauma I did), I'm on board with this new, sartorial take on the Christmas creature — which reminds me that it won't be coming to screens until 9th November. That's seven whole months of waiting for the official answer, which means seven whole months of me still, in the back of my mind, being forced to wrestle with whether or or not the Grinch has a penis, and, if so, what it looks like. I guess that means the Christmas spirit really does last year-round.
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