American Horror Story Could Be Going Radioactive

Photo: Courtesy of FX
Is American Horror Story going post-apocalyptic?
When it comes to uncovering clues about their favourite TV shows, the internet is basically Nancy Drew. Thanks to Twitter account @HHNRumors, we now know what season 8 of American Horror Story could possibly be subtitled.
Per a tweet from the account, a trademark has allegedly been filed by Twentieth Century Fox for American Horror Story: Radioactive. The theory, of course, is that this will be the title for the next season of the FX anthology series.
Someone call Imagine Dragons — maybe showrunner Ryan Murphy is down for a revamped the theme song? (Come on, don't tell me you're not already hearing it.)
The title fits in quite well with what we already know about season 8, which is, admittedly, not very much. During a panel at the Television Critics Association in January, Murphy told the audience that the upcoming season will explore a brand-new timeline.
"[Season 8 of American Horror Story] takes place in the future... It's still topical, but [set in] the future, which I’ve never done… I think people will like it. It's different from what we’ve done before."
When I hear the word "radioactive," my mind immediately goes to the aftermath of a nuclear apocalypse — which would fit into what Murphy is saying about a "topical" future-set season 8. A nuclear apocalypse is a concept that has been explored in many horror and sci-fi films over the years, and obviously one that opens up the possibility for a plethora of scary situations.
The show could pull a Walking Dead and explore what happens if nuclear-created zombies run amuck. It could also stick closer to reality and examine warfare amongst the human survivors, Purge-style — or even the devastating effects of radiation.
We'll have to wait it out to see what American Horror Story has in store for us this season — but the good news is that it doesn't seem like the series is trying too hard to cover its tracks this time. That may mean we're in luck for more tidbits of information sooner than we might expect. And honestly, with this series, isn't the anticipation of the horror half the fun?

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