Jennifer Lopez's Daily Affirmations Are Going To Fix My Life

It's clear now why my life up until this moment hasn't been anything like Jennifer Lopez's: I haven't been doing her daily affirmations. In a new profile in Harper's Bazaar, the singer and actress drops multiple isms and mantras that she says she repeats to herself every day. She credits positive thinking as the driving force behind her happiness, and I'm not one to turn down advice from someone who both sang at the pre-Super Bowl and is dating A-Rod.
"Affirmations are so important," she says in the interview. "I am youthful and timeless. I tell myself that every day, a few times a day. It sounds like clichéd bullshit, but it’s not: Age is all in your mind. Look at Jane Fonda."
Then there's this one: "My life is full of loving and joyful people, and my workplace is filled with adventure."
But if you're not someone who wants to be caught talking aloud to themselves, Lopez also has a number of affirmations scattered around her house in the form of pillows, sculptures, trays, and hangings.
"The affirmations are everywhere," she told the outlet. "I forget that they’re all here. They’re just part of the house now."
Those particular affirmations include shorter sentiments, like "no limits but the sky" or "life is short" or "live your dream."
And lest you think this is a passing fad, Lopez was just as steadfast about her affirmations three years ago. She told People in 2015 that she "sets aside about 15 minutes a day to do affirmations, pray and meditate" and a year earlier she told E! News that she uses affirmations "to channel any negative energy and turn it into something positive."
What was the affirmation she used for getting that $27 million dollar penthouse? I'd like to use that one, please.
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