Here's Why Some Protesters Wore Price Tags At The March For Our Lives

Photo: Paul Morigi/Getty Images.
One dollar and five cents. According to March For Our Lives organisers, that is what each Florida student is worth to Marco Rubio. The state senator has come under fire for being among the top recipients of contributions from the National Rifle Association (NRA). More importantly, he is on the receiving end of some harsh criticism for being unwilling to stop accepting donations from the organisation when faced with survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
This price tag has become a symbol of the movement fighting to put an end to mass shootings and gun violence. The March For Our Lives website created a free printout of it encouraging protesters to wear them. The organisation’s website explains: “On March 24th wear this price tag to protest politicians who accept NRA blood money and demand they pass meaningful gun control legislation now.” During his speech on Saturday, student and Parkland, FL shooting survivor David Hogg condemned Rubio for putting a price tag on the lives of students. “This is not cutting it,” Hogg said as he pointed back at the White House amid cheers of agreement.
These prices tags could be seen on countless young protesters today at the March For Our Lives demonstrations in Washington D.C., Los Angeles, New York, and around the country. While the exact amount may vary, its poignant imagery reminds anyone who sees it that their safety, or lack thereof, comes with a price tag. Rubio has reportedly received $3,303,355 from the NRA to date. Fellow survivor Sarah Chadwick elaborated on the price tag symbol during her speech saying, “Is that all we’re worth to these politicians? A dollar and five cents? Was $17.85 all it cost you that day, Mr. Rubio? Well I say, one life is worth more than all the guns in America.”
Students around the country have done the math and it doesn’t add up. They want change and they don’t want to hear anyone’s excuses.
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