White Nationalists In America Increasingly Target Colleges With Recruitment Propaganda
Students are fighting back against white nationalist recruitment efforts on their campuses.
DEVELOPING: AU President Sylvia Burwell responds to anti-immigrant rights posters found on campus. “We reject hate, bigotry, intimidation in all forms.“ pic.twitter.com/SUmZgaD1Sv
— Richard Reeve (@abc7Richard) January 23, 2018
I. Am. Tired. @AmericanU pic.twitter.com/tUewmIimlK
— Petty Patty (@FunSizeJay_) September 27, 2017
It’s terrifying. Even when it’s covered at my college, it’s covered as “racist flyers on campus” and only whispers of the recruiting info on the back of them. Some had the Daily Strmer’s website on the front and I had to explain to the school paper why they shouldn’t link it ?
— Zoey Jordan Salsbury (@zoeyjsalsbury) January 28, 2018
"Take My Trump Trash"
A returning student worried about books/financial aid, a freshman's first day with a million insecure feelings. This is what we pay for. HATE POST from our fellow classmates (1rst day of Spr2018, 1 day after Martin Luther Kings day). #shameful @UofSC @HarrisPastides @wis10 @WLTX pic.twitter.com/DOFYZ7znAW
— With ❤️...Mell (@melliiJ) January 16, 2018
White supremacist flyers have been stuck to Black History Month flyers around @MTSU campus. If you see one, please send it to us and try to remove them!
— Black Student Union (@MTSU_BSU) January 26, 2018
We will be discussing these flyers, white supremacy, and activism on Wednesday Feb 7th at 6:00 in STU 220. pic.twitter.com/EOhgMof6VO
"It Makes It Hard To Concentrate On School"
Someone printed off and posted facts about blacks and the Cal Poly president condemned them as harassment, offensive, frightening, and intimidating. pic.twitter.com/AOlFNWL7RY
— /pol/ News Network (@PolNewsupdates) January 24, 2018