Get The Gummies Ready — Justin Bieber Is Growing Hair "To His Toes"

Remember when Justin Bieber first came on the scene? The former YouTube star had the one thing that made millions of teenage hearts go a flutter: No, not killer pipes (although, it certainly didn’t hurt). We’re talking about a swishy mop-top hair, which he knowingly worked with puppy eyes and a head shake.
It’s been nearly 10 years (!) since a young Justin rocked that haircut, having since traded it in for memorable iterations like 2011’s long-on-top chop (aka the Meet Me at McDonalds), a bleached nu-wave cut, an Eminem-inspired look, and even a set of questionable locs. But nothing is as good as the original. So when we caught Bieber promising to grow out his hair on Instagram Stories, our teenage hearts did a little backflip.
“Long hair don’t care,” he captioned the selfie, giving us flashbacks to those halcyon, hair flip-filled days. But then we got to the next frame of his Stories sequence, in which Bieber declared, “I’m going to grow my hair down to my toes.” Uhh. Suddenly, we’re imagining floor-length extensions. Or maybe he’s simply on the path to out-Leto Jared Leto? Now that could resurrect more than a few Beliebers.
Photo: Courtesy of @justinbieber
Photo: Courtesy of @justinbieber
Either way, we’ll be tracking Bieber’s hair growth and Instagram for updates. Because even if the singer doesn’t reach his ultimate hair goals, something tells us a SugarBearHair sponsorship is just around the corner.

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