We've Been Cutting Watermelon Incorrectly Our Whole Lives

Photographed By Jenna Gang.
Remember last year, when the internet became obsessed with a viral video showing the most efficient way to cut a cake? Well, that's happening all over again. Only this time, the wildly popular cutting hack is for the most quintessential summer fruit around: the watermelon. More than one video has surfaced in the past few weeks that demonstrate how to cut watermelon into slices using — drumroll, please — dental floss.
Since it's that time of year when people are going on picnics, it's also that time when people are forgetting to pack the necessary tools to eat for certain foods. Thanks to internet hacks, our summer picnics no longer have to be ruined by that forgetfulness. Next time you find yourself with a large chunk of watermelon, and no way to cut it into more manageable wedges or cubes, just pull out the floss you keep in your purse for the occasional popcorn kernel or spinach emergency.
In the most recent episode the Food & Wine series of "Mad Genius Tips," culinary director Justin Chapple showed off how to use a large piece of unscented floss to cut along the rind of the watermelon. Then, as if he's slicing clay with a wire, he cuts the watermelon into perfect wedges. Unfortunately, floss isn't strong enough to slice through a watermelon's rind, but if that prep work is done ahead of time, this is a pretty useful hack.
The DIY account 5-Minute Crafts also shared a video on Facebook recently that shows the same technique. Watch it below, and you'll never be stuck at a picnic with no way to eat your watermelon again. That is, as long as you remembered to pack floss.

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