God Is A Woman — & She Has Her Own Lush Bath Bomb

Photo: John Shearer/Getty Images.
Have you watched Ariana Grande's newest music video for her song "God Is A Woman?" If not, here's a brief summary of what you'll see when you press play: vulvas, vulvas, udders, meerkats, more vulvas. Needless to say, by the time it's over, you get the message: God is a woooooman. But out of all the yonic imagery, the most compelling scene in the video is of the 25-year-old floating (dancing? posing?) in a bath of purple water, seeping out in shades of lilac, indigo, and plum paint, conveniently resembling — you guessed it! — a vulva.
Get it? She (woman) is the centre of all creation, which — quick sex ed lesson — begins inside the vagina. Genius, right? What's even more genius is that a ton of fans — those responsible for the nearly 30 million views on YouTube in the past five days — have decided that the instantly-iconic purple vulva bath moment deserves something more. Something... a little more practical for at-home use.
On 13th July a fan tweeted at Lush Cosmetics, "Make a bath bomb that looks like this [and] call it god is a woman so I can bathe feeling like a goddess." Grande saw the tweet and replied, begging, "I'll do anything." Straight away, Lush responded to confirm that the idea was off to the lab. Five days later, and two official "GIAW" bath bomb prototypes exist — and they're utterly dreamy, though decidedly less reminiscent of genitalia.
According to Lush product developer Jack Constantine, the first version of the bath bomb wasn't exactly right; by the look of his Instagram Stories, after it burst in water, it looked too frothy and grey, and less than appetising. Round two brings more purple, a hint of silver, and tons of glitter — almost identical to the video once dispersed in water.
By Friday, he had cracked the code, created a prototype, and sent it to Ariana Grande for her seal of approval.
No word yet on when the finalised product will hit shelves, what it'll smell like, or how often Pete Davidson will bathe in it (probably every day), so here we'll be, waiting patiently. Until then, can someone please start a petition for Harry Styles to get his own bath bomb — because we all know he deserves it at this point.

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