The Average Cost Of A UK Wedding Has Shot Up Again

photographed by Megan Madden; produced by Sam Nodelman; produced by Yuki Mizuma.
The average cost of a UK couple's wedding now exceeds £30,000, according to new research.
After asking 3,000 happy couples what they spent on their big day,'s National Wedding Report calculated that the average cost is now a hefty £30,335.
This represents a 12% increase from last year, when said the average UK couple's wedding bill was £26,989.
However, the survey also found that couples aren't being any more extravagant than last year when planning their weddings. Suppliers' charges have also risen 12% over the past 12 months, which explains the overall price hike.
Some 39% of couples are now considering the environmental impact of their big day, while 23% are opting for longer, three-day wedding events, the survey found. A relatively low 16% of brides said they chose a wedding dress that they'd hope to wear again.
Meanwhile, 28% of couples are shelling out for an open bar for their guests – up from 21% in 2017.
"The millennial generation are getting married later in life, when they are more financially independent," said's founder Hamish Shephard in response to the results.
"They are in a position to be able to ‘host’ their own wedding, and no longer see it as their parents' financial responsibility. They are rising to the challenge exercising their ability to be creative, motivated by things like local sourcing, ethical production and a great authentic experience."
Of course, it's hardly a surprise that weddings are becoming more expensive – for both hosts and guests. Another recent survey found that the average cost of attending a hen or stag party abroad is around £1,000. The average cost of attending one in the UK is close to £500.
So, it's kind of understandable that the thing people find most annoying about weddings is being asked to attend a ceremony abroad when they've already paid to go overseas for a hen or stag do.