Meghan Markle Continues To Ruffle Royal Feathers By Talking Politics

Photo: Samir Hussein/WireImage.
Meghan Markle, a.k.a. Our Princess of the Resistance™, has once again upset those in royal circles by speaking her mind about politics.
"Her politics are an issue," Lady Colin Campbell, a confidante of Princess Diana with contacts in the royal family, told The Daily Beast in a highly speculative piece called "Meghan Markle Is Finding Out How Lonely Royal Life Can Be." (Evidence of Meghan being "lonely" includes: walking around her estate by herself, spending a lot of time with Prince Harry's friends.)
Campbell continued: "She is ultra-liberal and that trendy-lefty stuff does not go down well with some of Harry’s friends. He has introduced her to them all at parties and weddings and private dinners, but she is very anti- a lot of the things that their world functions upon, such as shooting."
Markle is a self-avowed feminist who has a long history of championing reproductive rights and working to end the stigma around menstruation, and she's had some choice words for Donald Trump. In July, she reportedly expressed her support for the outcome of Ireland's historic abortion referendum, which paved the way for abortion to be legal in the country.
Unofficial royal protocol has, since the 17th century, dictated that the royal family refrain from publicly expressing their political opinions since the monarch's role is to represent everyone. However, there is no actual law forbidding Markle to talk politics.
There's also no protocol saying she can't express her opinions at the dinner table, with her own friends or Harry's. In other words, it sounds like some of Prince Harry's stodgy friends could benefit from widening their worldview and hobbies to activities beyond shooting. A message to the Duke of Sussex' boarding-school chums, polo and rugby teammates, and other folks with their heads up their arses: Let our Resistance Princess Meghan Sparkle live her life.

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