Louis C.K. Says He Lost $35 Million After Sexual Misconduct Fallout

Louis C.K. has reportedly finally actually addressed his sexual misconduct controversy onstage, according to comedy trade publication Laugh Spin. The comedian performed this weekend at the West Side Comedy Club, a venue on Manhattan's Upper West Side. There, he told the crowd that he'd been to "hell and back" and that he'd lost $35 million "in one hour," according to host AMarie Castillo. Castillo told Laugh Spin that C.K. seemed to be reckoning with his recent past.
"He was so genuine and reflected on how weird his year was, tried out some new dark and dirty material," said Castillo, adding, "Sounds like he is owning up, acknowledging, and trying to figure it out." Castillo had previously posted on Twitter that she'd hosted a show featuring C.K. She noted it was one of her "one of top 5 favourite moments on stage."
In his previous appearances on stage, C.K. has neglected to bring up the allegations raised against him in a New York Times article last fall. In the days following the article, C.K. owned up to his actions, confirming that he had indeed sexually harassed the five women interviewed for the Times.
"These stories are true," C.K. said in his statement. "At the time, I said to myself that what I did was okay because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true." He went on to explain that, though he'd asked for consent, he had power over the women involved, and he had wielded that power "irresponsibly."
He concluded, "I have spent my long and lucky career talking and saying anything I want. I will now take a step back and take a long time to listen."
In August, C.K. appeared on stage once more, this time at The Comedy Cellar. There, he neglected to bring up his history, though he did, according to Vulture, tell a joke about a rape whistle.
A more recent viewer of C.K.'s comedy Tweeted early this morning that C.K. was at the Comedy Cellar last night as well. (The Comedy Cellar, after receiving complaints, has input a new policy wherein customers can leave if someone comes on stage that they don't want to see.) There, he apparently joked that he felt like "Hitler." The Laugh Spin report also detailed a joke about Hitler — although this one was apparently regarding how C.K. travelled to "Hell," where he met Hitler.
If you have experienced sexual violence of any kind, please visit Rape Crisis or call 0808 802 9999.

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