This Viral Twitter Thread Will Take You Right Back To The Late-'90s

Photo: Getty Images / Handout.
First Anne-Marie had a hit with "2002"; then Charli XCX and Troye Sivan scored one with "1999". Maybe it's a toxic conflation of Brexit confusion, property ladder angst and whatever a certain controversial world leader has been up to on any given week, but pining for simpler times seems to be in fashion. Now a viral Twitter thread has captured this nostalgic mood perfectly by asking users: "What did you have in 1998 that you no longer have in 2018?"
Some of the replies are genuinely emotional as people mourn loved ones and reflect on how they and family members have grown in the last 20 years. But others are a little more lighthearted, taking us right back to an era of CDs and cassettes, dial-up internet and so many fewer TV channels.
And frankly, this thread earns its stripes just for reminding anyone on the older end of the millennial scale that before we all had wi-fi on our phones, Ceefax and Teletext were a pretty big thing.
Below, check out a selection of other super-nostalgic responses to the thread.
Of course, not everything about tech and entertainment in 1998 was quite so idyllic – can you imagine going back to a time before Netflix completely revolutionised the way we watch TV?

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