Where Is Arya Going Next & Who Will She Kill?

Photo: Courtesy of HBO.
Warning: This article contains spoilers for season 8 of Game Of Thrones.
Despite all the celebrating in last week's episode of Game Of Thrones, some pretty ominous stuff happened. We lost Rhaegal and Missandei, and the tide seems to be turning on Daenerys. However, don't let all this overshade an important moment between Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) and the Hound (Rory McCann) before they set off for King's Landing to fight Cersei (Lena Headey) et al.
“I don’t plan on coming back,” the Hound tells Arya.
“Neither do I,” she replies — which, yikes!
Before we anticipate the worst, which is usually a safe bet for Game Of Thrones, let's consider the many things this could mean for Arya in the show's final two episodes. Because let's be honest: How do you follow killing the Night King?
The likely answer comes from way back in the show's first season, when Arya created a kill list of her enemies — and she's made a pretty sizeable dent. Notable members include Ser Meryn Trant (dead), Tywin Lannister (dead, courtesy of Tyrion Lannister), Joffrey Baratheon (dead, courtesy of Olenna Tyrell), Walder Frey (dead), The Hound (now her friend), Melisandre (dead, but redeemed), The Mountain (alive, but as a zombie), and Cersei (alive, still terrible). Realistically, the latter two are the only characters on the list Arya has left to defeat, and with the Night King behind her, it makes sense that both she and the showrunners would want her to round out her storyline and tick those boxes. So, could be Arya going to Kings Landing with the Hound to kill the Mountain, and then Cersei (who happens to have green eyes, along with Daenerys). But what would she do after that?
Let's take a think back to Arya's direwolf Nymeria (since apparently we're just done with Ghost now??), who is untethered but still connected to Arya through their parallel lives. They both have wandered from their family, making their own ways in the world, and while they met back up briefly in season 7, they continue to forge their own paths. Arya could never be a Lady, but she makes a pretty good free spirit.
Game Of Thrones season 8 airs in the UK on Mondays on Sky Atlantic and is available on Now TV

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