Kate Mara Shares Her Devastating Miscarriage Story

Photo: David Fisher/Shutterstock.
Kate Mara recently shared that she experienced a devastating and prolonged miscarriage before giving birth to her first child. The Fantastic Four star revealed in an interview for the Dr. Berlin’s Informed Pregnancy Podcast that she miscarried during her first pregnancy, according to People.
“It was the first time I’ve ever been pregnant, and I’ve never had that excitement and shock of being an almost mom,” Mara said. The 36-year-old actress shared her pregnancy news with her husband, fellow Fantastic Four star Jamie Bell, while they were stopped at a red light, People reports. They were thrilled.
“I turned to him and I was like, ‘Is now a bad time to show you this?’ ” she revealed. “I showed him the [test] stick. He was at a stop light, and he just burst out laughing and was like, ‘Oh, my God. How is that possible?’”
But about eight weeks later, the couple received life-altering news after their first sonogram. “[The doctor] said I clearly had a blighted ovum, which I didn’t know what that was at the time. I’ve learned what that is. So she said, ‘Basically, you’ve miscarried, but it just hasn’t left your body yet.’” That wasn’t the end of the story — Mara was three months pregnant by the time the miscarriage was officially over, People reports. “Everything just took so much time, by the time it was all over. It just dragged out forever,” she said.
Miscarriages occur in about one in four recognised pregnancies, according to Tommy's National Centre for Miscarriage Research at the University of Birmingham in the UK.
The couple later learned that they were pregnant again — and this time they approached it with a bit more caution. “I was so excited, but also sad that we weren’t as excited as we were the first time, because that was clear that it was a very different dynamic,” she said. Ultimately, though, that pregnancy developed much more smoothly, and Mara announced last month on Instagram that they’d had their first child. “We had a baby a couple weeks ago … Here are her feet ?,” Mara wrote in a May 27 post.

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