After All-Woman Spacewalk, NASA Says A Woman Could Be The First Person On Mars

Photo: NASA/AP.
This week, astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir completed the first ever all-woman spacewalk, and it is looking like the future is indeed female. However, NASA isn’t stopping there. There now is a full speed ahead attempt to further uplift women astronauts
After the first all-woman spacewalk, NASA reported that while they’re focused on landing on the moon — and thus one woman will soon become the first woman to land on the moon —  the first person to land on Mars might also be a woman. NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine revealed the possibility in a press conference for the all-woman spacewalk.
"We could very well see the first person on Mars be a woman. I think that could very well be a milestone,” said Bridenstine, via 
At that same press conference, President Donald Trump praised the women for their efforts, NPR reports.
"What you do is incredible. It's so — you're very brave people. I don't think I want to do it, I must tell you that. But you are amazing people." said Trump. "This is truly historic.” 
Trump then went on to say that while the moon is the next target, it will function more as a pit stop than a final destination. A Mars landing is the final goal. 
"We're stopping at the moon. The moon is actually a launching pad. That's why we're stopping at the moon. I said, 'Hey, we've done the moon. That's not so exciting.' So we'll be doing the moon. But we'll really be doing Mars,” Trump elaborated.
Meanwhile, many other politicians noted the historic achievement on Twitter, including Sen. Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
“For the first time in our nation’s history, an all-female crew walked in space today. It’s more than historic—it’s a reminder that for women, even the sky doesn’t have to be the limit,” wrote Harris.
“@NASA has captured the imaginations of the world for generations. Congratulations to @Astro_Christina & @Astro_Jessica for leaving their mark on history with today’s #AllWomanSpacewalk. You are an inspiration to women & girls across America,” noted Pelosi.
As for the astronauts themselves, Koch and Meir were all business, sharing their excitement on Instagram to get their job of battery repairs done efficiently.

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