my vagina was ripped to my asshole giving birth to Luna. I had a vagasshole. fuck your swab pain.
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) March 23, 2020
I was in labor with my first kid for 52 hours.
— Ms. Frizzle but for the Government (@msschilllax) March 23, 2020
Y'all can all manage a nasal swab for 30 seconds.
Nearly the same here! The only difference was I was given a double episiotomy and the vertical one ripped to my butthole. I was very young, 19, and when I complained of intense pain three days later my doctor huffed and said, "fine I'll see you." My 100+ stitches were infected.
— E. B. Novak (@BrittNArt) March 23, 2020
Invasive? OMFG.
— Katja Desjarlais (@TheHauntVault) March 23, 2020
After 3 days of labor, halfway through delivery, my doctor pushed him back in. PUSHED. HIM. BACK. IN.
Definitely ranks up there with “throat swab” on the Invasive Procedures list.