Netflix’s The Order is a show that asks, “What would happen if Teen Wolf had a lot more in common with The Magicians?” The answer, as we learn watching season 1’s plot unfold, is that a lovably over-the-top teen drama would be born. The series follows the university-set battle between a historic magical secret society, the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose, and the werewolves tasked with stopping dark magic, the Knights of St. Christopher.
The Order season 2 is scheduled to debut on Thursday, June 17. The upcoming batch of episodes is fuelled by twists and turns, as we find Order hero Jack Morton (Jake Manley) bleach blonde and fighting a new supernatural force with his friends/fellow werewolves: magical tourists, as teased in the season 2 trailer.
Since The Order season 2 is set to jump right into the otherworldly chaos, you likely need a full recap of what exactly went down in season 1, which debuted well over a year ago. After all, the two-part ending “Finals” includes a few momentous deaths (R.I.P. Grandpa Pete), multiple double crosses, and some mind-wiping schemes. Keep reading to get your memories back when it comes to all things The Order.
How did Grandpa Pete die?
Edward Coventry (Max Martini), the Grand Magus of the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose, killed Grandpa Pete. The Order season 1 paints Coventry has a villain for two reasons: he caused the death of his ex Chloe Morton, mom to protagonist Jack, and he is hellbent on world domination.
In penultimate episode “Finals, Part 1,” Jack’s grandfather, Pete, attempts to murder Coventry, thereby securing his long-awaited revenge for Chloe’s death. However, Pete — who tries to shoot Coventry — is outmatched since the Grand Magus is using the Vade Maecum spell to give himself unlimited magical power. When Pete tries to assassinate Coventry, the Grand Magus flicks his hand and turns Pete into an exploding, bloody mess. The magic of The Order does not undo Pete’s murder and Jack ends the season visiting his grandpa’s grave.
How did Edward Coventry die?
Coventry dies because he fails to fully complete the Vade Maecum spell. He is consumed by the Vade Maecum. Coventry’s last challenge for the spell to work is murdering his firstborn child (this task has a time limit). Coventry assumes this sacrifice is his young son, Maddox Coventry (Christian Michael Cooper), whom he had with his dead wife Sophie. But, that honour actually goes to Jack; Coventry had no idea his relationship with the late Chloe Morton years prior produced a son.
During the first half of “Final, Part 2,” Jack promises to bring Coventry “his firstborn” in exchange for the safety of his friends. Before turning himself in, Jack picks up his roommate Clay Turner (Dylan Playfair), who is a golem made of malleable clay, and enlists him for a plan to defeat Coventry. When “Jack” goes to Coventry to reveal his true identity as his son and become a sacrifice, it’s actually Clay secretly posing as Jack. So, Coventry’s subsequent sacrifice fails — he merely stabs a hunk of clay multiple times.
Jack’s golem diversion works and the clock runs out on Coventry’s time to finish the Vade Maecum. Since Coventry fails, the Vade Maecum book destroys him and swallows his essence whole.
How did Jack get amnesia?
Jack has amnesia because the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose took his memories with magic. Towards the end of “Finals, Part 2,” Jack tells Vera Stone (Hannibal's Katharine Isabelle) — now promoted from Magus of the Order’s Belgrave University chapter to Grand Magus — that he plans to be a member of the Order and the werewolf Knights of St. Christopher. Vera recognises it is impossible for Jack to split his loyalty between the Order and the Knights, as they are natural mortal enemies.
Vera makes a decision about Jack's allegiance for him, ordering his love interest Alyssa Drake (Sarah Grey) to wipe his memories with magical powder. This way, Jack forgets about the Order and his ability to destroy the Order as a werewolf. As we see in the closing scene of “Finals, Part 2,” Jack can barely remember his own name — or Alyssa’s name — let alone his place in a supernatural blood feud.
Why do all the Order werewolves have amnesia?
The Order werewolves forget their identities, their headquarters, and their connection as werewolves because of Vera’s amnesia spell. She couldn’t merely wipe Jack’s memory and hope for the best. Instead, Vera has members of the Order also memory-wipe Jack’s fellow Knights: Hamish Duke (Thomas Elms), Lilith Bathory (Devery Jacobs), and Randall Carpio (Adam DiMarco).
Then, as the werewolves lose their memories, Vera sacks the Knights’ HQ, taking all the magical relics she saw earlier in the episode. In one fell swoop, Vera has defeated her only remaining enemies on campus.
What is going on with Silverback?
Vera secures Silverback, the Knights’ most powerful werewolf hide, during her raid on their mansion. As The Order season 1 explains, a hide chooses its human “champion,” who is then imbued with that hide’s werewolf powers. Jack initially wore Silverback, but lost him due to some Vade Maecum drama. Once Jack was severed from Silverback, he started wearing Midnight, a different werewolf hide.
After the Vade Maecum was destroyed by Jack and his friends, Silverback was freed from his connection to the dark magic. Since Jack decided to keep wearing Midnight, Silverback enters season 2 in need of a “champion” and in Vera’s hands. That means someone in the Order will likely become a werewolf in season 2 — all depending on whom Silverback chooses.