Thank God, Michelle Obama Has A Podcast To Keep Us Sane

Photo: BET Awards 2020/Getty Images/Getty Images.
It's been four long, long years since the Obamas left the White House, but the First Family hasn't really gone anywhere. And with a new offering from our forever First Lady, the Obamas are closer than ever.
The post-presidency years have kept Michelle Obama very busy. From signing major deals with Netflix to touring the world talking about her memoir Becoming, the former First Lady's schedule has been just as packed as it was when she was in the White House. The latest project on her plate will introduce Obama to the world of podcasting with a show that explores the importance of community and personal relationships.
Produced in collaboration with Spotify and the Obamas' production company Higher Ground, The Michelle Obama Podcast will be the world's look into the "the relationships that shape us, from siblings and close friends to partners, parents, and mentors to our relationship with ourselves and our health."
"The series will bring listeners the former First Lady's most candid and personal conversations," a press release for the show explained. "Showing us what's possible when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to open up, and to focus on what matters most."
Listeners of The Michelle Obama Podcast can expect the production to be, as usual, top quality and star-studded — this is the celebrity of celebrities we're talking about here. Guest appearances on the show will include everyone from Obama's mother Marian Robinson to late night host Conan O'Brien. Personally, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the former President himself will make a cute cameo, but that might be pushing it.
The timing of the podcast could not be better — I mean, just look at the state of the world right now — and Obama knows it. Even more exciting than just the opportunity to hear her calming, feels-like-home voice on a permanent loop is the chance to really understand the people around us.
"I hope this podcast will help listeners open up new conversations -- and hard conversations -- with the people who matter most to them," That's how we can build more understanding and empathy for one another," she shared in an official statement.
Tune into The Michelle Obama Podcast when it launches on 26th July, only on Spotify.

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