Pink’s New Doc Is About Her Tour — & What’s Possible When Dads Are Equal Parents

Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images.
Spoilers are ahead. The singer Pink (real name: Alecia Beth Moore) knows she sucks the air out of the room, and she says as much in her new Prime Video documentary Pink: All I Know So Far. Not only is she an A-list celebrity, but she has a big personality with an over-the-top fashion sense and unmissable hair. She sells out stadiums and sings while doing aerial dancing. And when her entire family goes with her on tour across Europe, as they do in All I Know So Far, the trip is by definition all about her.
That does present some unusual outcomes for her family, especially her husband Carey Hart, who was a leader in his own field — motocross racing. Now, he's semi-retired (he owns a string of tattoo shops and sometimes still races), a full time dad, and on red carpets his role is often to be Pink's date. But while it would be easy for this to read as a negative outcome — because patriarchy — the doc tries to make one thing clear: while some men are stressed out (see: this recent study) by being married to a woman who outearns them, it doesn't have to be that way.
While some of us have been trying to tell you that, the doc is unfortunately correct that their dynamic is still not fully normalised. "He is incredibly patient, otherwise how could be be with someone like me for this long?" Pink says in the film. "He's that rock and he keeps me from myself. I still get to do whatever I want and be who I am and chase the rainbow, but I have a rock to come back to."
Pink and Hart married in 2006 — after she proposed to him — and since then he's pretty much just been known as Pink's husband. "It was one of the best lessons I learned, where I could be a big fish in my little pond, but I go to the red carpet — and if they even know my name, they screw my name up and call me Corey and Casey and everything in between," Hart says in the documentary. "It's like wow there's a lot bigger world out there than just dirt bikes."
Two years into their marriage, the two separated. But it wasn't Pink's stardom so much that was causing the big issue for the couple. The actual problem? Hart's racing schedule. "Carey would see me for five days and be gone for six weeks," she told Redbook in 2013. 
That period that inspired what is arguably the singer's biggest hit. During their separation, Pink wrote "So What," with lyrics that are just jab after jab at Hart. Examples include, "I guess I just lost my husband, I don't know where he went / So I'm gonna drink my money, I'm not gonna pay his rent," and "So what? I'm still a rockstar / I got my rock moves and I don't need you."
Through the split, they kept working at the relationship and by 2009, they were back together. "We're rebuilding," Hart told People magazine at the time. "Sometimes you have to take a couple of steps backwards to move forward." But Pink still sings "So What" on tour, and it's the closing performance shown in the documentary, as it chronicled her 2019 "Beautiful Trauma" tour. She joked to Ellen DeGeneres in 2009 that she relishes singing the "you're a tool" line when Hart is in the audience.
After getting back together, Hart and Pink had their daughter Willow in 2011 and son Jameson in 2016. In between, Hart retired from racing in 2012, so those long stretches of not seeing each other disappeared. He could be at his wife's side through all of her travels and care for the kids instead.
All I Know So Far mostly shows Hart as a husband and father, accompanying his wife to show after show, schlepping the kids around, and performing parenting duties like nappy changes and morning and bedtime routines. As she mentions in the documentary, it's an uncommon experience for women in music. You can probably count on one hand the women who continue to tour when they've got small children and the decision to work through it anyway isn't an easy one. But Hart seems to get that dads are parents, too. Are you listening, Incredibles 2?
While her image and discography are larger than life, the documentary also shows just how big her role is as a leader on tour; she can't show up late or mess around. She's responsible for hundreds of people's jobs and legions of fans who've dropped thousands of dollars on her shows. That kind of responsibility makes things hard, like in one scene in which her daughter Willow catches a cold. Pink can't really comfort her the way she would normally — getting a cold would mean cancelling shows and costing people their jobs.
That pull between Rock Star Pink and Mum Pink is the focus of the documentary, but it's the quiet, family moments between concert scenes that really make it. And when Pink sings at the end — the lines about so what, she's still a rock star and she doesn't need a husband — the song takes on a whole new meaning. "Especially as a man supporting a woman on tour, I think it's impressive that you're able to support me the way that you do," Pink tells Hart towards the end of the documentary. "If it were someone else that needed more ego stroking, I don't think it would work."
Pink is on that stage night after night with the knowledge that she gets to be that big, important performer in large part because of the support she has from Hart — a non-rock star who has her back, often at the expense of his own ego. Could she do it on her own? Of course. But she doesn't have to, and that's pretty nice, too.

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