Chiron Retrograde Is Here To Get Rid Of The Damage From Those Other Retrogrades

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Sigh. Another week, another retrograde. On July 15, Chiron begins its retrograde journey in bold Aries, a sign that the comet has been hanging out in since 2018. Its backwards dance will continue from now until December 19, so be ready for this energy to last for the next six months. And the transit might just bring exactly what you need to the surface.
Chiron is sometimes called an asteroid, but it's actually classified as a comet and minor planet, and is sometimes called a "centaur" due to its erratic orbit and mass, according to Lisa Stardust, the author of Saturn Return Survival Guide and The Astrology Deck. It's often called the healing centaur. "It’s important to note that in mythology, Chiron was a wise and sensitive healer who ironically could not heal himself," she says. Like in mythology, this Chiron transit will reveal the wounds that we can’t mend alone — ones that require some extra TLC and outside assistance, Stardust says: "With Chiron transiting the sign of Aries and being retrograde, we have the chance to look within and fix recently repressed issues or feelings we’ve had to suck up and not deal with," she says.
Things are about to get real, and our innermost emotions are preparing to be unleashed onto the world. "Chiron retrograde may bring up old stories that create feelings of shame, powerlessness, isolation, loneliness, or frustration," says Madi Murphy, co-founder of The Cosmic RX and The Cosmic Revolution. It won't be a topsy-turvy tornado of tears, though — we need to get this energy off our chests to fully heal and move forward. Murphy says that these emotions are coming up to teach us all an important lesson, so listen up, and don't be afraid to lean on the ones you love.
You'll know what this transit is here to help us focus on, says Leslie Hale, psychic astrologer for This transit often awakens us to recognize what part of our life needs work and healing. "You may already know what area of life this encompasses, or other people we interact with may give us clues, especially the negative or hurtful relationships we can encounter that seem to touch a nerve," she says. "As Chiron retrogrades, the universe or cosmic forces are trying to direct us toward understanding the emotional pain we carry, embrace it, and then work toward releasing and letting go of old negative tapes, voices, habits or other ways that we keep the pain alive or even contribute to it." In other words, we're all about to experience a significant cleanse of our shadow selves, and any negative energy.
Chiron can be a powerful force for positive change, but this transit can be a bit overwhelming, as healing work often is. Therefore, prioritising self-care is a must. "It’s the perfect transit to begin deep reflection for self-work to appraise self-value," says Liz Simmons, daily work horoscope writer for She suggests allowing any anger and aggression to flow naturally and productively, exploring your sexuality and sensual expression, and working on healing your inner child.
Because the centaur is in Aries until 2027, we're getting ample time to learn "about our identity, what’s worth fighting for, and who we really need to be in this world, Murphy says. "And in true Aries fashion, it’s asking us to look at any buried wounds head-on and full throttle."
We're in a time of deep self-reflection, and it can be a lot. But ultimately, Chiron (and its retrograde) is here to help us move forward in that journey. Take a page out of Aries' book, and charge!

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