Let The Planet Of Luck’s Era Commence: Jupiter Is Now In Taurus

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"New year, new me," is what Jupiter would say if it could talk, probably. The Planet of Luck and Expansion is leaving behind its spot in fiery Aries and entering into a new era of astrological fun. That's right, Jupiter is entering Taurus on May 16, where it'll stay until May 24, 2024.
The last time Jupiter was in Taurus was from June 4, 2011, to June 10, 2012. Looking back at what happened during that far-off time in our lives can give us clues into what’s in store for us this year, according to Narayana Montúfar, a senior astrologer.
While we may not want to go all the way back to 2012, we'll still be revisiting some unfinished business from the past. "Opportunities from the past can come back as Jupiter in Taurus will uplift them and make them more prosperous or appealing to you," says astrologer Iva Naskova. "This way, one will be able to fill any voids from the past and correct mistakes that had been somewhat of a burden." We're being given a second chance — take it!
This energy is exactly what we need right now, Montúfar says. "Very few celestial archetypes are held in such high regard as Jupiter for a few reasons," she says. "In astronomy, Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. In mythology, Jupiter was the 'king of all gods.' Astrologers follow Jupiter’s placement by sign because it will indicate how we will all, as a society, experience abundance, protection, and affluence."
Jupiter magnifies and exaggerates everything it touches, so the Taurus energy will be strong for the next year — and it'll be in Venus territory, as the Planet of Love rules the sign of the bull. "Jupiter rules luck, abundance, protection, and expansion. Taurus rules the five senses, nature, food, and money," Montúfar says. "When we put together these two, we get one of the most positive planet-sign combinations."
In other words, this year is going to be bursting with good vibes. "This trip through Taurus may find us feeling creatively inspired, focusing on embodiment and reconnecting with the simple pleasure of life and our physical senses and experiences," says astrologer Stephanie Campos.
Campos says that this transit starts out with a bang, as Jupiter in Taurus immediately forms a square with Pluto in Aquarius on May 17, then forms a square with Mars in Leo on May 22. "This will create a T-square in the sky, which is almost like a pressure cooker," she explains. "Think ambition, courage, action, but also reactive, triggering, and intense energy."
If you're looking to manifest your wildest dreams, mark your calendars for June 1, when Jupiter aligns with the North Node of Destiny. "It’s an amazing time to plot out the future and to take advantage of the good vibes," says astrologer Lisa Stardust. "Plan a date, make an investment, start a creative project, or have fun!"
During Jupiter's year in Taurus, a couple of the most important dates are when the planet begins its retrograde on September 4 and ends its retrograde on December 30, according to Campos. "Take notice of the topics that emerge throughout [these days] because there will be some connecting link and storyline that continues to unfold and unite events that take place on those days," she says.
Jupiter is the kind of planet you keep tabs on because of the positivity it brings, and this transit is no different. Are you ready for this new era?

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