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David Cameron to urge the Commons to launch UK air strikes against Islamic State

The Prime Minister will later today present his case to the House of Commons for launching UK air strikes on Islamic State militants in Syria. It is believed he will urge MPs to back military action and warn of the threat posed by ISIS by telling politicians that the UK must not “sub-contract its security” to others. Read more. Holloway Prison to close next summer

Europe’s largest women’s prison, HMP Holloway, is earmarked for closure next summer. Its 600 inmates are to be moved to two existing prisons on the outskirts of London. Holloway’s location has always been seen as a “major strength” by inspectors because it is reachable by many of the women’s families. The prison’s poor design and size is said to have made it difficult to run. Read more. Jennifer Lawrence to direct film

Not content with picking up cool friends (Amy Schumer, Adele) as easily as she picks up acting awards, Lawrence has now expressed her intention to direct a film. “I have wanted to direct as long as I wanted to act,” Lawrence told Entertainment Weekly. Her first film will be called Project Delirium, based on an article in The New Yorker about mental warfare in the ’60s and an acid experiment gone wrong. Read more. 2015 is likely to be the hottest year on record

The World Meteorological Organisation has reported that 2015 is heading to be the warmest on record, with planetary temperatures passing 1C above pre-industrial levels, a huge – and worrying – milestone regarding climate change. The rise, they state, is due to a combination of a strong El Nino, the warm band of water that develops in the central Pacific, and human-induced global warming. Read more. Karl Lagerfeld premieres trailer for new short film

You can now watch the trailer for Once and Forever, Karl Lagerfeld’s short film that will premiere in Rome on the 1st of December. Starring Kristen Stewart and Géraldine Chaplin, the film goes behind the scenes of the making of a biopic of Gabrielle – or Coco – Chanel. After its premiere it will be available to watch online.

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