I Tested Amazon's Best-Selling Makeup Products — & Here's What I Loved

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It's hard to believe that there was a time when Amazon was just a place to buy books. Now the tech giant is where we go to get everything — condoms, cake pops, corgi pillows. And, more recently, it's become the go-to destination for high end and mass beauty products, too. Just one problem: It's really overwhelming.
After reading through thousands of reviews (real and fake), you might find yourself more confused than when you first typed "nude lipstick" into the company's search bar. To sift through the duds, I asked Amazon to share its best-selling makeup products in every category, including foundation, eyeliner, and highlighter. Curious to see how a full face of Amazon's best sellers wore through a workday and after-work drinks? Press play above to find out.

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