Aries Season Is Here — & You’re Going To Be More Aloof

Illustrated by Wenjing Yang.
The spring equinox and the astrological new year come with the sun’s movement into the zodiac sign Aries. Yes, that's right, in astrology, we begin the calendar year with the Aries season, just like the ancient Romans, because the fire sign that adds vigor and passion to our lives.
From March 20th to April 19th, we’ll embrace our desires and put our personal needs first above everyone else’s. Not only that, but we will fight for what we want and take strides to attain greatness. Winning is everything now, so competing for first prize and a gold medal will occupy our time and our thoughts and take our strength and power. 
Aries is a fire and cardinal sign, meaning it likes to start things. This sign does not sit by the sidelines. It's usually the first to start a match and take on a project; however, this year, Aries season will be more aloof than usual due to the retrogrades and solar eclipse. We might opt to watch matters unfold rather than being an active participant.
Since Mars is Aries's planetary ruler, it’s important to note that we are still dealing with the aftershocks of the last retrograde. Although Mars turned direct on February 23rd, it ends on May 2nd. Therefore, we might feel as though our libido, energy, and confidence are at a low. We won’t have the bravado we usually have during Aries season and may not be as confrontational as previous years. Repressed feelings are bubbling up, causing erratic reactions and meltdowns when pushed to the edge. The good news is that we are coming closer to detoxing these passive-aggressive vibes from our environment.
Adding Venus’s 18-month moonwalk to the mix will make matters more chaotic — particularly in our intimate relationships and emotions. Venus retrograde (from March 1st to April 12th) will make us needy regarding relationships. Aries isn't a sign that likes to be codependent: it's independent. As a result, we’ll want to cling closely to others and seek their opinion on everything — especially when Venus, the planet of love and beauty, backstrokes into Pisces on March 27th. The best cure to the moodiness and frustrations that occur at this time is self-love. Try to be extra gentle and kind to yourself.
The solar eclipse in Aries on March 29th invigorates our lives, reminding us to be selfish (which we all should be at times). It’s our moment to take charge and assert our authority. We can achieve anything if we put our heart and soul into it. The future is ours to create. Use this cosmic wakeup call to your advantage.
Mercury’s backslide in Aries to Pisces from March 15th to April 7th is going to reshape the way we see things. As the planet of communication moves backwards in the sky, we’ll have to slow down how we process our emotions. Use this time to assess feelings. Journaling can be a helpful tool to understand yourself better. Life isn't moving at galactic speed, it’s becoming quieter. Relish in the soft energy.
The final major shift is Neptune’s temporary entrance into Aries from March 30th to October 22nd and then again in 2026. This planetary switch pushes us to be more aggressive and transparent with our ideas and emotions. We will try our best not to get lost in a moment and situation by seeking the truth. We won't hide from dealing with matters. Realness gives us the energy to evolve and grow our aspirations. Like a fine wine, our dreams will be ready to come to fruition when the fruits of our labor ripen. The payoff will be extraordinary.
Important Dates:
March 20: The sun enters Aries, initiating a new season and elevating our intense feelings. 
March 27: Venus retrograde moonwalks into Pisces, making us sensitive and emotional. 
March 29: The solar eclipse in Aries pushes us to heighten our self-esteem. 
March 29: Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces, making communication ambiguous and unclear. 
March 30: Neptune swims into Aries, elevating our spirituality and understanding of the world.
April 7: Mercury retrograde ends, clearing up technological issues, travel mishaps, and misunderstandings.  
April 12: The Full Moon in Libra brings balance back into our lives through partnerships.
April 12: Venus turns direct, allowing our romantic feelings to flow.
April 16: Mercury moves into Aries again, combining vigor and gusto to our words. 
April 18: Mars enters Leo once more, adding pep to our steps.

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