6 Personality Quizzes That Could Help You Find Your Dream Career

produced by Julie Borowsky; photographed by Tayler Smith.
Millennials "job hop" more than any previous generation. In fact, over the past 20 years, the number of companies that people work for within five years of graduating has nearly doubled. And while some people switch jobs to increase salary or get better benefits, others do it for another reason: Wanting to consider a completely new professional path. It's not unusual to see
Every industry has an average turnover rate, in the UK, education and publishing have high staff turnover compared to management and admin. Many people who change jobs are looking to get out of a negative situation at work, whether that’s feeling underpaid, uninspired, or just burnt out. But these experiences also offer a fantastic opportunity to get to the root of your passions and pursue a career you love.
We put together a list of six quizzes that can help you redirect your career by getting to the bottom of the question: What do I really care about — and how do I make a living out of it?

1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

The Myers-Briggs test is a self-report questionnaire that looks at psychological patterns in the ways that people perceive the world. The test sheds light on how you like to communicate, the kind of structure you do best in, and how you make decisions.
The results of this test not only illuminate potential careers you might be best cut out for, they can also reveal whether you would do best in a 9-5 environment or a more flexible work arrangement.
A version of the test is available online for free.

2. Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator

The RHETI or Enneagram test is split into eight personality types: the peacemaker, the achiever, the helper, the reformer, the individualist, the investigator, the enthusiast, and the challenger.
Figuring out which personality type you are can potentially guide you toward your most fulfilling career path, and help you figure out how to better relate to others (including your coworkers).
The official test costs $12 (it's works out about £9.21), but there are also free versions online.

3. The Big Five Personality Test

The Big Five test is focused on how you relate to others. It sheds light on how extroverted you are, how you handle stress, and how disciplined you are. Learning more about yourself can help you learn how you best work and collaborate with others.

4. Career Strengths Test

This set of activities was developed by the Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation for Oprah (if it's good enough for Oprah...). It's designed to test your aptitude for five different skill sets, including concept organization, inductive reasoning, structural visualization, and numerical reasoning. Each skill measured is lined up with certain industries and disciplines that require strength in these areas.
You can take the tests for free online.

5. Pymetrics

Pymetrics isn't your average career test — it uses neuroscience games to unearth your cognition and personality, including your strengths and weaknesses. These behavioural games collect valuable data, but they feel more like a 20-minute work break than a test.
The pymetrics "game" is available online for free.

6. The Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential Assessment (MAPP) Test

The MAPP test promises to give you a better idea of where your career motivations lie by providing you with your top ten vocational areas. The test provides a list of potential career choices and insights on how you might get along with people in the workplace.
Compared to other career-aptitude tests, this one is one of the most popular; more than 8 million have taken it since its inception.
A free teaser version is available online.