The question I keep coming back to, often while wrist-deep in a tube of Pringles, is how have scientists not found a hangover cure? Thankfully the trend for expensive IV drips never quite went mainstream, and I was thrilled when a friend who tried one after a night on all the stimulants said they didn’t work. While we would all welcome a cure I would hate it if it were only ever the preserve of the very rich. In
the book Hungover, Shaughnessy Bishop-Stall set out to find the ultimate antidote to the poison and landed on this combination of droplets and capsules, taken after drinking but before bed: milk thistle for the liver; N-acetylcysteine for the immune system; vitamins B1, B6 and B12 to quicken metabolism, and the anti-inflammatory frankincense. Throwing all of these into a basket at Holland & Barrett will set you back about £35, which is probably only a few quid per hangover and might just be worth it.