Donald Trump’s Daughter Says He’s A Feminist

Although her father has repeatedly been accused of sexism, Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka has insisted he is actually a feminist. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee has a well-documented history of making controversial comments about women, from claiming that Heidi Klum is "no longer a 10" in 2015 to suggesting his political rival Hillary Clinton benefits from something called a "woman card."
However, when asked by the Sunday Times if she thinks her father is a feminist, Ivanka Trump replied: "I do, yes and it's a big reason I am the woman I am today. He always told me and showed me that I could do anything I set my mind to if I married vision and passion with work ethic. He's also surrounded me with strong female role models who have done just that since I was a little girl."
Ivanka, who serves as an Executive Vice President at the Trump Organization, also said that her father practises what she preaches at the family business. "People talk about gender equality. He has lived it, he has employed women at the highest levels of the Trump Organization for decades, so I think it's a great testament to how capable he thinks women are and has shown that his whole life," she told the Sunday Times. However, Ivanka Trump's comments are not borne out by a recent analysis of her father's Presidential campaign, which found that male staffers are being paid a third more than their female counterpoints. The analysis also found out that women only make up 28% of his total staff overall.

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