Your Horoscope This Week: March 3 to 9

This first full week of March is relatively calm, allowing us to create structure in our lives with the help of the last quarter moon in Sagittarius. Many of us are seeking more adventure and stimulation in our lives, and having the week start off with the sun in Pisces and the moon in Sag provides us with the momentum and spontaneity to throw caution to the wind and simply enjoy the present moment. Just try not to go overboard in the process, or else you may do or say things you’ll later regret. 
Mercury, the Planet of Communication, spends its final stretch in Pisces this week, making our dream world and emotional sensitivity more pronounced. We may feel deeply sensitive and somewhat nostalgic as we approach the astro new year. It’s a good time to tend to old wounds and make resolutions to heal them so that we release the burdens we may have consciously or unconsciously held on to. Then once Mercury shifts into Aries on the 9th — for a two-month stay — we’ll feel fired up with drive and ambition, allowing us to strategically brainstorm what our next steps will be. 
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

The week begins with the quarter moon in Sagittarius highlighting your sector of expansion and long journeys. When’s the last time you went on a trip, Aries? You may find it hard to focus on mundane matters under this lunar influence, so give into your decisions to go up, up, and away, be it through a literal vacation or by escaping into a new novel or foreign restaurant. 
The rest of the week has you focusing on clearing out spiritually stagnant debris that exists in your subconscious mind. Mercury spends its final six days in your sector of healing and spirituality, encouraging you to face your shadows head on, either through journaling, therapy, or some artistic medium. Then once Mercury enters your sign on the 9th you’ll be more mentally alert and self-aware, allowing you to make decisions with confidence and passion. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

This first full week of March asks you to think about the people you’re collaborating with financially and spiritually, Taurus. Who have you been sharing your energy and resources with, and why? As Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, spends its final 12 weeks in your sign, you’re being encouraged to fine-tune your objectives and priorities, which may mean cutting off people who have been taking advantage of you. Use the quarter moon’s energy to have tough yet clarifying conversations if this applies to you. 
Mercury’s final six days in Pisces will help you communicate your thoughts and feelings in a way that feels welcoming and empathetic, particularly when it comes to your friends and online community. If you’ve been wanting to create a book club or join an online support group, you may feel called to do so this week. Once Mercury enters Aries on the 9th your sector of spirituality and solitude is activated, so you may find yourself being more of a recluse this weekend. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

As the week begins, Gemini, you’re reflecting on your relationships and what’s working (or not working) within them. With your ruler Mercury remaining in Pisces until the 9th, your sector of career is activated, so you’ll particularly be focused on making adjustments to aspects of your professional journey that feel limiting or redundant. The key is to be intuitively led while making decisions, even if Mars, the Planet of Action, is in your fellow air sign of Aquarius and encouraging you to think logically. Find a balance between what your heart is saying and what your mind is thinking. 
This weekend, Mercury leaves Pisces and enters Aries for a two-month stay. You’ll feel more social, extraverted, flirtatious, and adventurous under this transit, as it’s activating your sector of friendship and social networks. If you’ve been meaning to step out of your comfort zone and meet new people, you have the green light to do so, especially this month because Mercury retrograde starts on 1st April. Have fun, Gemini! 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, as this week begins you’re thinking about your health and wellness journey. The quarter moon in Sag may have led to you having a wake-up call, and now you’re in the mood to better commit to a more holistic lifestyle, which means being more disciplined. Spend this week crafting a game plan or finding a workout buddy or accountability partner who will help you stay aligned with your lifestyle goals, without feeling overwhelmed. Celebrate the small wins, and remain consistent. 
You may find it easier to do on the 9th so once Mercury, the Planet of Communication, leaves Pisces and enters Aries for the next two months. While you sometimes can be put off by the aggressive and fiery vibes of Aries transits, this one in particular will help you boss up mentally and physically, by activating your warrior energy. Spend the weekend writing down key initiatives you’d like to achieve these next two months — dream big and take part in visualisation exercises where you envision yourself already “there”. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, allow yourself to have more fun as the week begins. The quarter moon in Sag is activating your sector of fate, true love and creativity, which may lead to you being too tough on yourself if you feel like you should be further ahead by now. But remember Leo, not only is time an illusion and all we have is the present moment, but even if we were to abide by “time”, the astro new year doesn’t begin until 19th March… So you’re not behind. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be. Lighten up and laugh more! 
The above advice will be easier for you to follow starting on the 9th when Mercury, the Planet of Communication, enters your fellow fire sign of Aries for a two-month stay. This takes place in your sector of expansion and long journeys, making it a great time to travel or brainstorm places you’d like to visit between now and May. You may also feel ready to start a new course of study or pitch a proposal to a dream client. Go for it! 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, you may be feeling restless as the week begins, due to the last quarter moon in Sag. Perhaps you haven’t achieved everything that’s on your to-do list (even though the month literally just began, so cut yourself some slack), or maybe some family drama is feeling overwhelming and you just want to hide out in your own cave and not come out until everything is resolved. The truth is, Virgo, even if you’re known as being the one with all the solutions, you don’t always have to be. Allow someone else to figure it out. 
With your planetary ruler Mercury spending its final six days in Pisces this week, relationships and romance are very much on your mind. If you’ve been wanting to express your true feelings to a crush or partner, or if you’ve been seeking greater clarity in a situationship, use the rest of Mercury’s transit through Pisces to initiate that conversation, while releasing the need to control the outcome of it. Then once Mercury shifts into Aries on the 9th for the next two months, your self-confidence will increase. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, what have you been keeping locked up within yourself, instead of bravely communicating? That’s the question the cosmos is asking of you as the week begins, due to the last quarter moon in Sagittarius activating your sector of communication. If you’ve been trying to keep the peace by suppressing your true feelings, you’ll suddenly feel like a volcano that’s about to erupt. It’s best to find healthy outlets for speaking your truth, even if it ruffles a few feathers. 
Mercury’s transit through Pisces up until the 9th can help soothe any nerves that you feel as you step into your power. Focus on mindful and therapeutic activities such as therapy, yoga, pilates, stretching, forest walks, and deep breathing. The more connected you are to the spiritual realm, the better your nervous system will feel. Then on the 9th, Mercury shifts into Aries and highlights your sector of marriage for the next two months. If you find yourself obsessively thinking about your crush or lover, chalk it up to Mercury in Aries. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, money is on your mind as the week begins. The quarter moon in Sag will make you very much aware of any unhealthy money habits you’ve built up these past few months or years, and while that may feel uncomfortable, it’s important for you to face these truths head on and courageously find a way to rectify these mishaps. Working with a financial coach, joining a well-vetted online program, or simply focusing on budgeting and reducing your expenses — or alternatively, increasing your revenue — are ideal ways to show the Universe you mean business. 
Mercury rounds out its stay in Pisces this week, in your sector of fate, true love, and creativity, making it a great time to go on dates or take yourself out on one. Let your softer, more sensitive, and sensual side emerge — you’ll magnetise the right connections and weed out the ones that aren’t a vibrational match. Life gets extra spicy starting on March 9th when Mercury enters your fellow Mars-ruled sign of Aries. During this two-month transit, you may have the best sex you’ve had so far this year, especially if you feel intellectually connected to the individual(s) in question. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, the week begins with the quarter moon taking place in your sign, asking you to assess your identity and your priorities. You may have been putting too much on your plate this Pisces Season, and it might be challenging for you to stay focused and disciplined around this time. Instead of fighting it or being hard on yourself, do something active and energising such as going for a walk, deep cleaning your home while dancing to your favourite music, or allowing yourself to scream into your pillow or out on your balcony. Releasing pent-up tension and stress will liberate you and allow you to think of constructive solutions moving forward. 
With Mercury still in Pisces until the 9th, don’t fight the urge to slow down and meditate, even if you’re feeling inspired by Mars’ current transit through Aquarius in your sector of communication. The cosmos wants you to tap into your values and roots during Mercury in Pisces, because once Mercury enters Aries on the 9th for the next two months, so much fun, distraction, and opportunities for creative bliss will come your way. The best way to make the most of this is to have a solid foundation. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, the week begins with the Sag quarter moon activating your sector of spirituality and closure. You may have thought you had moved on from a past hurt or trauma, but suddenly you’ll feel it creeping up on you, demanding to be felt. The key is to get curious about what these lingering feelings are trying to teach you, rather than attempting to ignore, deny, shame, or suppress them. This is a good time to journal your feelings or speak openly with a therapist or trusted friend. 
Mercury’s final stretch through Pisces continues to stimulate your communication sector, helping you express your creativity in a freely-flowing way. You’d benefit from making art for the sake of it this week, rather than immediately thinking of ways to monetise your craft or passion. 
Once Mercury enters Aries on the 9th, there’s a likelihood that you’ll start to feel restless, particularly when it comes to your domestic sector. Many changes are occurring in this realm of your life, and your mission is to try not to control everything (even if it’s easier said than done). Trust that the Universe knows what it’s doing. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

The quarter moon in Sag activates your sector of friendship as the week begins, Aquarius. This allows you to speak up if you’ve felt undermined, disrespected, or taken advantage of in any way, be it in real life or digitally. Your mission is to not let the fiery nature of this lunation cause you to burn bridges instead of having respectful and reciprocal conversations. If you find yourself getting too worked up or heated at the start of the week, take some time apart from the individual(s) in question to regroup. Mercury’s continued transit through Pisces helps you approach money matters from a heart-centred place during this first full week of March. Speaking to yourself with greater compassion regarding past or current financial mishaps will help you stay positive and flexible, which is necessary during this phase of your life. 
Then on the 9th, Mercury enters Aries for the next two months and activates your communication sector. You’ll feel more optimistic and confident under this mercurial transit, making it easier to take leaps of faith without second-guessing yourself. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, the Sag quarter moon at the start of the week may have you feeling mentally and physically exhausted. Make sure to hydrate and find ways to create better boundaries between your work and personal life, because chances are you’ve been overextending yourself in your career in your attempts to level-up. It’s only when you feel spiritually and emotionally centred that you’ll truly thrive in your career, so don’t overdo it. 
Mercury’s final six days through your sign helps you tap into meditative techniques for dealing with stress and uncertainty. But at the same time, it could lead to you getting caught up in illusions rather than facing reality head on. Once Mercury enters Aries on the 9th, your money sector is activated for the next two months and you’ll start to think in a more Aries-like manner. It’s time to boss up and not be afraid of your own power, Pisces. It is your season, after all… 

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