Astrologers Say Everything Is Going To Change In January 2020, Here's Why

photographed by Megan Madden.
British writer Ruby Warrington and astrologer and tarot reader Bess Matassa have teamed up to create a 45-card tarot-style deck for anybody wishing to learn the language of astrology. Here, Ruby tells us why she believes January 2020 is going to bring big change.
We all love to read our daily, weekly and monthly astrology forecasts – especially when we get one that’s "spookily accurate". In a world that often feels increasingly out of control, the sense that the universe just GETS YOU and that everything is happening for a reason (even when the news is "bad") can be so reassuring.
But it’s when we zoom out and look at the larger planetary transits that things get really interesting, as this can show how society as a whole is being impacted by the cosmos. With this information, we can begin to make sense of the cycles we’re moving through as a collective and understand the bigger forces at play – as well as our individual roles in how things play out.
Which is exactly what we’ll be asked to do in 2020 – when Pluto, planet of fundamental change, and Saturn, the ruler of hard work and discipline, meet up for the first time since 1982. Forming what’s called a "conjunction" in the sign of Capricorn on 5th January 2020, this is predicted to have a major impact on all things Capricorn-ruled: politics, big business and the patriarchy.
We’ve been feeling the build-up to this monumental astro event since December 2017, when Saturn first joined Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto has been hanging out in Capricorn since 2008, already transforming the ways we do work and politics, and helping us all rework our definitions of success, status and achievement.
With Saturn in the mix for the past 18 months, we’ve been asked to get down to the nitty-gritty of this – a process that has not been easy or particularly pretty. Pluto is also known as the lord of the underworld, and often forces change by exposing any shadowy aspects that have been operating behind the scenes.
In politics, this transit has been the backdrop to both the Trump presidency and Brexit, as well as the rise of nationalist parties and organised hate-groups globally. When it comes to corporate life, our outdated and exploitative capitalist model is being brought into question. And as for the patriarchy, everything from #MeToo to a surge in women and LGBTQ+ people entering political life and gaining leadership positions is shaking the foundations of the traditional old boys’ club.
All of which will come to a head in January 2020. The Pluto-Saturn conjunction will be exact (meaning the two planets are at the exact same degree of the zodiac wheel) from 5th-14th January and will also be joined by Mercury (planet of communication) and the sun on 12th and 13th January respectively. On these days, we can expect headline news in all the above areas of life, as world events reflect a fundamental evolutionary shift that is already well underway.
As for how this will affect us individually? We’ll feel the ripple effect in our own careers, in hierarchies at work and at home, and in the gender power-dynamics in our relationships. Think back to December 2017 and see if you can feel into what’s already been shifting for you in these areas. Now mark January 2020 as a time to put a solid new foundation for how you work and wield your personal power into place.
You can get even more specific with this when you learn to read your own birth chart, which is why we created the Numinous Deck. When you can apply information like that to your own unique chart, is when astrology REALLY starts to make sense – giving you a roadmap for making choices and changes that are fully aligned with your highest self. With the major transitions coming our way in 2020, we can use all the help and guidance we can get!

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