Sometimes, opting for surgery or tweakments might offset another insecurity, adds Mr Cavale. "Faces aren't straightforward," he says. "The face is such a complicated 3D structure." This is a lesson I personally learned the hard way. If you're an R29 regular, you'll know it's no secret that I've had a
nose job. I subsequently got caught up in the social media whirlwind, bombarded with photoshopped and filtered images of beauty influencers, celebrities and models with slim, pinched-in noses. In comparison, mine didn't match up. Not 100% happy with the final result, I booked in for another tweak a year or two later. While I don't necessarily regret my decision, I can't say that surgery has made me any less insecure. I still scrutinise my nose. I began to worry about my other features, too. Like Mr Cavale mentioned, tweakments can often open the floodgates to other insecurities. There might always be something I'll consider refining, like my acne scars or jawline. It only goes to prove that chasing an ideal face is entirely unattainable, not to mention harmful and exhausting.