Landing a job interview is a win in itself. In the UK, research estimates as many as 76% of people will want a job change this year. Especially in this tough job market, you might have gone months applying without hearing a peep back, but now there’s a shot at getting a new role. The problem? The interview gave you bad vibes. Maybe the interviewer seemed cold, maybe they implied you’d have to work with difficult people, maybe they mentioned anti-social hours that were not listed on the job advert. Maybe something you can’t put your finger on just felt off.
When landing an interview in the first place involves such hard work, it can be difficult to know whether to go back to the drawing board, trust your gut, or take a chance and hope to be pleasantly surprised if you’re met with an offer.
These are the things you need to think about in this situation.
Identifying red flags in a job interview
Some red flags are more concerning than others. Interviews can give you an insight into the way a company runs, aligns with your values… or doesn’t. Laura Kingston, founder of Leap Career Coaching, says she’s had “many clients who wish they had listened to their gut in interviews as the warning signs [of a bad work environment] were there from the offset”.
Common red flags Kingston comes across include a lack of information in the job description, interviewers being late or unprepared, and poor communication. The latter of which could reveal a bit about the culture of the organisation. “If you like clarity, communication and reasonable deadlines, this may not be the place for you,” she says. Things she wouldn’t ignore are a lack of transparency about pay, interviewers raising the issue of staff stress then downplaying it, and “rude, derogatory comments about anyone or anything in an interview, because imagine what it would be like behind closed doors”.
Andrew McCaskill, LinkedIn career expert, also has red flags he suggests you pay close attention to. “It's a highly competitive market. Hiring managers have fewer open roles to fill and aren’t sure when they’ll get more support, which puts them in the driver’s seat,” he says. “That power can make some of them search for the elusive unicorn candidate — someone who can do it all and work at all hours. If they’re telling you they expect that, believe them. No amount of hard work should come at the expense of your wellbeing.” Another big no for him is when companies oversell their “perfect” culture. “A work culture that doesn’t acknowledge problems or struggles is likely one that’s avoiding real conversations, which can lead to burnout and frustration. No workplace is perfect, and that’s okay, but pretending otherwise just to keep up appearances can leave you feeling unheard and unsupported,” he adds.
Job interviews are like first dates, according to McCaskill. Common concerns he hears from clients include an interviewer not giving a clear expectation of the role or day-to-day responsibilities (they might not have figured them out — yikes!), emphasising a “fast-paced environment” (hello, burnout!), and when DEI initiatives don’t exist (run!). Especially in the context of DEI initiatives coming under attack in America, these policies matter all the more.
Balancing trusting your gut with being open-minded
This is the tricky bit. If you ignore your bad feelings and start working, only to find your suspicions were true, would the job change have been worth it? Sometimes staying in a not-so-great job longer than you’d like is better than moving to somewhere that’s truly awful.
“Your intuition is not often wrong, if something feels off, find out more about it,” Kingston says. “Interviews are not a natural environment, so you could be picking up on the interviewer being nervous rather than there being an underlying issue. Remember interviews are a two-way process, so you can see it as a conversation and ask curious questions using open language as a way to be interested in the company, but also to find out more to alleviate any concerns you may have.”
This job might not be the perfect role, but it might help you get to a better one with a year’s experience. If you’re truly stuck on which way to go after an offer, McCaskill says you don’t have to make the decision alone. “Tap into your network to get insights from someone who’s currently at the company or recently left. A little context can go a long way and it might give you the confidence to move forward or the caution to take a step back. Either way, it’s valuable.”
Addressing concerns spotted in an interview
If you’re feeling brave, the experts say you should address what’s on your mind. Knowledge is power, after all. McCaskill says you should ask clarifying questions. “If at any time during your interview, something doesn’t feel right and your gut is speaking to you, there’s power in pivoting the conversation.” If you’re stuck on how to say it, he suggests framing it around your work style. “You could say something like: ‘I thrive in environments where communication and collaboration are prioritised. Can you share how the team ensures open communication when there are disagreements?’ This not only provides more insight into the company culture but also positions you as someone who values problem-solving and is already thinking about how to contribute.”
Once the offer is made, you have negotiating power. This is something that so many of our Salary Story contributors don’t realise until much later in their careers. Kingston says you should use this and raise any concerns you have. “You can ask for a short call to finalise any details and use this as an opportunity to ask questions, e.g. ‘In the interview, it was mentioned that a member of the team was being very difficult to work with, please can you tell me more about this? Could you share how the team manages situations like this?’ Their response will either reassure you or perhaps make you reconsider accepting the role.” This can be nerve-wracking, but it’s perhaps the least risky time to query anything.
Withdrawing your job application
If you decide this is what’s best, go for it. But keep it short and sweet.
Kingston recommends writing something like this via email: “Thank you for the opportunity, however, I have decided to withdraw my application as I don't feel this role aligns with my career goals at this time.” You don’t need to be specific about why unless feedback is requested and you’re comfortable sharing it. (Even then, you can keep it vague).
Keep it respectful and professional in order to keep the door open for potential future opportunities. “While you might not work at that specific company, you could add the interviewer as part of your network,” McCaskill advises. “Keep in mind that recruiters have a long memory and even longer careers, and they are under incredible pressure to fill those roles with the right candidates quickly – so treat them well and don’t waste their time.” You never know when you might cross paths again.