Your July Horoscope Is Here — It’s Time To Relax

Cosmic beings, welcome to July! As the month begins, we’re fresh off the heels of the start of Saturn’s retrograde through Pisces, which means all zodiac signs are likely to be feeling sleepy, moody and, honestly, horny. Saturn retrograde tends to remind us of moments when we’ve been pushing ourselves to extremes and spreading ourselves too thin. This month is an invitation to infuse more relaxation and fun into our lives, especially as the Sun spends time in the sign of Cancer for the first three weeks of July before shifting into Leo on the 22nd. 
Neptune retrograde in Pisces begins on 2nd July and lasts for the rest of 2024. This transit brings attention to our subconscious thoughts and dream life. Keeping a journal near our bed this month will be a helpful way to figure out the hidden messages in our psyche — just try not to rush to conclusions or make abrupt decisions based on what your dreams are showing you. Wait until you feel grounded in your nervous system before taking action. The period between 5th and 15th July is ideal for embarking on fresh starts due to the nurturing energy of the Cancer new moon. 
Venus shifts into Leo on 11th July, then Mars, the Planet of Action, enters Gemini on the 20th, followed by the second Capricorn full moon of the year striking on the 21st. This blend of fire, air, earth and water energy in the cosmos will have us feeling more balanced than we’ve had all year, allowing us to better trust life’s changing tides without feeling the need to control each and every factor. 
Once Leo Season begins on the 22nd, and Chiron begins its retrograde in Aries on the 26th, our mission will be to cultivate a healthy relationship with our own self-esteem without veering into narcissistic or egocentric tendencies. How can you prioritise your own needs while also having compassion and respect for the needs of those around you?
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, the month of July feels like an opportunity for you to reset yourself energetically. Your sector of roots is activated by the sun’s transit through Cancer during the first three weeks of July, and the Cancer new moon is an ideal time to think about relocating, redecorating or growing a family (either through a pregnancy, adoption or bringing a furry friend or new plant into your home). Ease and peace are your main values this month, especially since Neptune will be retrograde in your sector of spirituality and healing starting 2nd July.
Once the Capricorn full moon strikes on the 21st and Leo Season begins on the 22nd, your more ambitious side emerges. Your career sector is once again activated by this Cap full moon, so think back to what you were experiencing around 21st June last month — similar themes are re-emerging and you’re being asked to be honest with yourself about parts of your professional journey that no longer resonate with you. Leo Season is the ideal period of time to play, flirt, explore, adventure and experience new ways of being, loving and living. You may also be in the mood to give yourself a makeover during the final week of July — knock yourself out! 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, the month of July will help you practice the art of vulnerability and transparency in communication. With Mars still transiting your sign until 20th July, you’re profoundly aware of your likes and dislikes, but instead of being too abrasive or direct when expressing yourself, lean into a softer and more compassionate approach with the help of all the Cancer energy in the cosmos — particularly the Cancer new moon on the 5th. 
Your planetary ruler Venus enters Leo on 11th July, activating your sector of roots and the home. Your domestic life may get more fiery and dramatic over the course of the next four weeks, and since Leo energy squares off (creates astrological friction) with your Taurus nature, you may butt heads with family members with whom you don’t see eye to eye. This is accentuated once Leo Season begins on the 22nd. Fortunately, the energy from the Capricorn full moon on the 21st helps temper any misunderstandings by reminding you of the power of not taking things too personally. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, now that Jupiter’s settled in your sign, you’re entering July feeling supremely aware of your superpowers and your magnetic energy. Cancer Season continues to activate your sector of abundance and self-esteem, encouraging you to stay close to people who feel like home and who let you be your best self. On the 11th, Venus shifts into Leo and enters your sector of communication for the next four weeks. Use Venus in Leo to shoot your shot creatively or professionally. Ask for a raise, take part in a stand up comedy show, start your own podcast… This is the time to take centre stage and allow your light to shine. 
The second consecutive Capricorn full moon strikes on the 21st in your sector of depth and intimacy, connecting you back to whatever themes you were dealing with around 21st June last month. You’re likely to feel more emotionally mature by the end of July, but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make room for fun once the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd. You’ve been doing a great job integrating life’s recurring lessons — now let your challenges go and let yourself live freely. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, your season keeps going strong this month. The Cancer new moon on 5th July kickstarts a six-month chapter of renewal and reimagining for you and your loved ones — because it’s taking place in your sector of self, don’t be surprised if you feel the urge to overhaul several aspects of your life during the new moon portal from 5th to 15th July. But keep in mind that since Neptune, the Planet of Illusion, is currently retrograde in your fellow water sign of Pisces, you’re encouraged to slow your roll when it comes to manifestation, and focus on reprogramming your subconscious mind first. 
With Venus shifting out of your sign and entering Leo on the 11th, your financial security becomes more important to you, and the Capricorn full moon on the 21st could present you with the opportunity to strategically merge resources with people who want to invest in you. Just make sure you’ve done your homework, because once Leo Season begins on the 22nd so many opportunities will present themselves at once, but remember that not all that glitters is gold. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, your birthday season begins this month! But before we get to that, the Cancer sun continues to highlight your sector of spirituality, closure and healing for the first three weeks of July. Use this time to continue to hibernate, rest, meditate and release perfectionism or workaholic tendencies that may be ingrained in you due to systemic capitalism and the ways we’ve been conditioned to keep giving into it. 
With Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, currently retrograde in your opposite side of Aquarius, one of your main themes this month is to cultivate the art of healthy emotional detachment. Detach from what you’ve outgrown so that you can call in what’s a vibrational match, particularly once Venus, the Planet of Magnetism, enters your sign on 11th July. 
Ten days later, the second Capricorn full moon strikes in your sector of health, service and wellness, directing your attention to your physical and psychological wellbeing and the tools and structures you need to put in place to maintain it. Think back to ways you’ve put yourself and your body through stress and too much pressure these past six months. Your body is sending you clear signals that something must change. You’d benefit from heeding these signs, that way once the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd and kickstarts your birthday season, you’ll feel filled with vitality, clarity and drive. 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, the month of July is ideal for spending more time with your close friends and letting them know how much you care about them. While it’s easy to focus on ways people fail to show up for you, use the nurturing energy of Cancer Season to celebrate those who’ve always been there for you through thick and thin. The Cancer new moon on the 5th is your ideal time to set intentions regarding the type of friend you want to be and the type of friends you want to call into your orbit these next six months. 
The Capricorn full moon on the 21st will have you taking your life quite seriously, but make sure it’s not to your detriment. Instead of beating yourself up for not being as far along as you imagined you’d be by this time this year, show yourself some grace and use this lunation to reflect on all of the hurdles you’ve overcome this year — both seen and unseen. The sun’s entrance in Leo on the 22nd highlights your sector of healing and closure, so you’ll end the month feeling more like a reflective hermit; take it easy and chill. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, with your planetary ruler Venus shifting into Leo on the 11th, your sector of friendship and social networks becomes more of a priority for you this month. At the same time, with the sun in Cancer until the 22nd, making intuitive changes in your career trajectory is very much on your mind. But since Cancer energy tends to square off (create astrological friction) with your Libra nature, chances are that you’re dealing with a tug of war between what your mind and heart wants. Use Neptune’s current retrograde through your sector of health and wellness to pace yourself when decision making — there’s no need to rush. 
On the 21st, a second consecutive Capricorn full moon occurs in your sector of roots and the past. You may be hit with waves of nostalgia and potential regret as you reflect on ways you let yourself or others down this year. The South Node’s presence in Libra is making you tougher on yourself, but it’s up to you to reframe your critical thoughts into empowering ones that help you grow from past mistakes. Speak to yourself kindly, the way you’d speak to your inner child or best friend. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, the month of July can be one of the most fulfilling months you’ve experienced so far this year, but in order for this to happen you have to be willing to make different choices and live with greater discernment about where to direct your energy and resources, and why. One of your biggest missions around the Cancer new moon on 5th July is to get clear about where you’d like to travel, who you want to be surrounded by, and what you’d like to learn or teach over the course of the next six months. Your sector of expansion, philosophy, media and long journeys is activated by Cancer Season, and you can tell it’s time to spread your wings and let go of the status quo. This may feel terrifying at first. But once you take the leap, you’ll feel free. 
Speaking of letting go, the Capricorn full moon on the 21st is an invitation to revisit themes you were navigating during last month’s Capricorn full moon. Many Scorpios were grappling with a decision on whether to stay or go — whether to push someone or something away, or lean closer and more deeply into it. You’re likely to have much more clarity at this point in your journey, so pay attention to the epiphanies that occur at the very end of Cancer Season. Then on the 22nd Leo Season begins and reorients your focus to your career and reputation. Now’s the time to roll up your sleeves and invest in yourself unapologetically. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, with your ruler Jupiter now settled into your opposite sign of Gemini, navigating the ever changing relationship dynamics in your life continues to be a major priority. The Cancer new moon on the 5th strikes in your sector of depth, merging, and intimacy, so the new moon intentions you set between the 5th and 15th are likely to help significantly deepen the existing or new bonds you give your attention to these next six months. This Cancer Season, you’re being asked to admit your own fears of commitment and how they tend to show up or sabotage your most loving connections. 
The Capricorn full moon on the 21st sheds light on your relationship with money, which you’ve been particularly working on since last month’s Capricorn full moon. Chances are you’ll feel and be richer and smarter by the end of July than you were at the end of June, and that’s because you’ve been activating cosmic downloads with greater ease. Leo Season begins on the 22nd and encourages you to celebrate this glow-up journey you’re on. Shine as brightly as you’re meant to! 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, your planetary ruler Saturn spends its first full month retrograde in Pisces, activating your sector of communication. Neptune, the Planet of Illusion, is also retrograde in this sector of your chart, which means you may feel moodier and more introspective than usual this month. With several planets still transiting through Cancer during the first three weeks of July, lean into your relationships for emotional support rather than trying to figure things out solo. There’s power in intentionally cultivating community, and the Cancer new moon on 5th July (and the 10 days that follow) is an invitation to do just that. 
It’s rare to have two consecutive full moons in the same sign, but that’s what’s happening this month when the second Capricorn full moon of 2024 occurs on July 21, once again shedding light on your sector of self and identity. Your metamorphosis is becoming more evident than ever, but there’s also some grief that you may navigate as Leo Season begins as you realise that you’ve outgrown certain people or situations, or that they’ve outgrown you. Let them go with grace and make room for what’s meant for you.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, with Saturn, one of your planetary rulers, spending its first full month retrograde in Pisces, your sector of money and self-esteem is centralised in your life. The key is to not rush into new financial schemes in an effort to get rich quick or take shortcuts, but instead to cultivate a stronger relationship with your intuition so that you can find a balance between practicality and sensitivity when making financial decisions for yourself and your loved ones. 
The Capricorn full moon strikes on the 21st and accentuates your friendships and social networks. In what ways do you feel bored with your current social or digital life, Aquarius? You were already starting to get hints of this during last month’s Capricorn full moon, but it’s only getting more evident this second time around, especially since Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, is currently retrograde in your sign until September. Use this full moon and retrograde season to reinvent ways to have fun and to showcase yourself authentically on and beyond the internet. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, with Saturn, the Planet of Challenge, spending its first full month retrograde in your sign, and Neptune retrograde beginning on the 2nd July, you’re likely to be feeling like a hermit in your own dream world for the majority of July. However since Cancer Season is activating your sector of fate, true love and adventure, another side of you will emerge during the Cancer New Moon portal from 5th to 15th July. Get curious about the part of you that’s profoundly longing for pleasure and play. This is the season to offer yourself the joy you so readily offer others. 
Once the second Capricorn full moon of the year strikes on the 21st, you may be navigating a friendship breakup (or alternatively, a reconciliation) which leaves you feeling tender and raw. The key is to not point fingers or blame others for the fallout or misunderstanding, but to become aware of patterns from both parties’ that you’d benefit from acknowledging and speaking openly about. Leo Season starts on the 22nd and helps you practice the art of setting healthy boundaries while also respecting the boundaries others have set for themselves.

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