It seems we can never be well enough. Just as we are exhorted to pursue an ambiguous state of ever-receding wellness – whether it be hitting the gym, eating more kale or taking forest baths – we are now expected to be mindful of everything we do. As the latest wellness remedy, mindfulness has gone mainstream. The market is saturated with books on mindfulness touting its benefits, such as Mindful Parenting, Mindful Eating, Mindful Teaching, Mindful Therapy, Mindful Leadership, Mindful Finance, Mindful Nation, The Mindful Twenty-Something, The Mindful Athlete, Mindful Dog Owners and The Mindfulness Colouring Book, just to name a few (over 100,000 titles are listed on Amazon). Mindfulness is now estimated to be a $1.5 billion industry that, besides books, includes workshops, online courses, glossy magazines, documentary films, apps, bells, cushions, bracelets, beauty products and other paraphernalia, as well as a lucrative and burgeoning conference circuit. Mindfulness programmes have made their way into corporations, schools and government agencies, including the US military. Almost daily, the media cite scientific studies that report the numerous health benefits of mindfulness meditation and how such a simple practice can affect neurological changes in the brain.