This Is The Most Hungover City In The U.S.

Illustrated by Sydney Hass.
Welcome to 2016, dear reader. How ya feeling? Well, if you're in San Francisco, chances are you're not doing so hot. According to an analysis from real estate company Trulia, it's the city most likely to have a New Year's hangover today. Using Yelp data, Trulia created this "hangover index" by looking at the concentration of bars, nightclubs, and breweries for every 10,000 households in the country's 100 largest metro areas. But Trulia also added the number of comfort food restaurants and drugstores in the area to its analyses. So people in these cities have easy access to alcohol and the security of a greasy diner around the corner for the morning after. S.F. tops the list, followed by Boston and Las Vegas. It's slightly surprising that NYC came in all the way down at number seven and that Portland made it into the top 10. But hey — all that craft beer's gotta go somewhere.

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