This Is How Many Renters Are Planning To Leave The City Post-Lockdown

Photographed by Meg O'Donnell
The pandemic is continuing to have a significant impact on where we want to live, according to a new survey.
A hefty 40% of renters who took part in a SpareRoom poll said they are hoping to move post-lockdown. More than three-quarters (76%) said they are planning to leave their current town or city.
A slightly higher percentage of London renters – 77% – said they are intending to quit the city, despite the fact that some neighbourhoods are actually becoming more affordable.
"Over the past year we’ve seen the effect Covid-19 had on London rents, with averages falling consistently in four consecutive quarters," said SpareRoom's Matt Hutchinson. "That's driven largely by a drop in demand compared to supply, as renters left the capital during lockdown. At the same time, rents have risen slightly in the rest of the UK."
The survey also revealed a variety of reasons for renters deciding to leave the city. Some 13% said they want to be closer to friends and family, while the same percentage said access to nature and green space is a priority.
Meanwhile, 12% said they like the idea of having their own place without flatmates and 8% said they want to have more space to work from home.
Although coastal towns and quiet country villages have become the new rental property hotspots, SpareRoom's Matt Hutchinson suggested that London's popularity could be about to bounce back.
"As the country starts to open up more over the coming weeks and months, we'll see pent up demand being released," he said. "We'll also see the return of jobs in sectors like entertainment, hospitality and tourism, which London relies so heavily on.
"Whether that means a mass return to the capital, or whether some of those who left won't return remains to be seen," he added. "But we do expect things to shift over the summer."

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