IKYK that Capricorn season is the most beautiful time of the year because it’s all about togetherness. The weather outside is frightful but the vibe with friends and family is so delightful, with seasonal cheer and excitement starting on 21st December and running to 19th January.
The astrological stereotype is that Capricorns are serious and rarely show emotion. However, if you've spent one-on-one time with the sea goat, you know that they radiate goodness and loyalty, and have a sharp sense of humour. Therefore the month of Capricorn is a time in which we can connect with others on a deep level and work through issues (if they exist) to cultivate long-lasting and meaningful relationships.
Capricorn is an initiator of a season: Winter starts with Capricorn. So the sea goat is a go-getter. That's why we always think of Capricorn as the CEO. They are the zodiac sign that wants to attain and achieve success, but they can also be leaders who are aware of their employees’ and coworkers’ needs. At times they can be prickly, but that is only once they are poked; Caps are sensitive, after all. So prepare for your career to take flight and to reach your professional goals.
The onset of Capricorn season brings the winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere). The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year and marks the beginning of yule. This is a time in which we honour the sun, as its presence is lacking, by lighting candles and a fire in the home to keep warm. Honour the past, present and future.
What sets 2024 to 2025’s Capricorn season apart from others is the three retrograde planets (Mars, Jupiter and Uranus) causing chaos in the cosmos. Mercury will be in its post-retrograde cycle (aka the retroshade) until 2nd January 2025. As a result, we might want to stay in or opt to have a low-key New Year’s Eve due to exhaustion and indecisiveness. Don't pressure yourself to show up if you're not feeling the vibe. Yes, there will be miscommunications and travel delays but we can sort them out if we’re mindful of how we go about matters.
The last Jupiter and Saturn square in Gemini and Pisces occurs on 24th December. The first aspect was 19th August. There could be drama at the dinner table with family when discussing politics. Being heard and not backing down from your beliefs is essential. Make sure you're not being too self-righteous and are expressing yourself in a way that articulates your thoughts clearly.
Also, the Nodes of Destiny are shifting on 11th January to the Pisces North Node and Virgo South Node and will remain there for a year and a half. The nodal change brings an upswing in spiritual and artistic endeavours, compassion and intuition — all positive things we can look forward to. Growth is possible.
Important Dates For Capricorn Season
21st December: The sun enters Capricorn and the winter solstice occurs, bringing a new season.
24th December: Jupiter retrograde in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, disputing matters in an effort to make things better.
30th December: The new moon in Capricorn offers hope for the upcoming year.
2nd January: Venus enters Pisces, offering tenderness and generosity to us and others.
6th January: Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer, taking us back to the events that happened in the last days of October and beginning of November.
8th January: Mercury enters Capricorn, making communication direct and sincere.
11th January: The North Node swims into Pisces and the South Node enters Virgo, emotionally charging our lives.
13th January: The full moon in Cancer allows us to reflect upon what makes us feel warm and fuzzy all over, as well as happy and safe.