One classroom I arrived at didn’t have a single book in the reading corner.
I’m definitely the most stressed I have ever been.
I’ve taken uniform home for a child to wash as the family didn’t have a washing machine.
I've spent more than £900.
data about the children
to find out what they’re learning.
Then they said they needed data
about the children
to make sure they are learning.
Then the children only learnt
what could be turned into data.
Then the children became data.
Asking a teacher to achieve a perfect set of results for 30 teenagers will never be attainable – but schools do this.
Schools have cut their day to finish at 12pm because they can't afford teachers.
-Magic Breakfast helps provide breakfast and offer expert support to reach pupils at risk of hunger. The charity say that just 30p donated could give a child a nutritious breakfast and wrap-around support. More information on how to donate or fundraise can be found here.
- Barnardo's, a charity which aims to help the UK's most vulnerable children and young people, offer a variety of support to schools including family support and school-based counselling. More information can be found here.
- Sure Start centres can be a powerful support when high level of services are offered, according to a study which claims the government programme has saved the NHS millions of pounds. Contact your local council or search online for those nearest in your area.
- BookTrust is the UK's largest children's reading charity and reaches 3.9 million children each year with books, resources and support. More info here on how to support this
-Scrapstores: art and craft supplies can be donated to your nearest scrapstore which are sometimes used by schools for low cost creative supplies. A useful list of locations can be found here. It's not extensive though so also try searching for others nearby.
- You could also try contacting your local school or PTA to see if there are any resources or supplies they're keen on receiving. Always check as schools may have different needs and regulations on what they'll accept.