Your Horoscope This Week: 14th to 20th January

What an epic week we’ve entered. Not only are we continuing to feel the motivating influence of the recent new moon in Capricorn, but Mercury, the Planet of Communication, spends its first full week back in the sign of Capricorn, further infusing the aura of ambition and determination into the cosmos. Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, is rounding out its stay in Capricorn, and on Saturday 20th it re-enters Aquarius (Aquarius season begins the 20th as well), where it’ll remain until September 1.
We may find the sudden switch from Capricorn to Aquarius energy somewhat drastic and disorienting during the second half of the week, so it’s best to be clear about what your objectives are from the get-go, to avoid distractions or disappointments. Maintaining a spirit of flexibility during this last week of Capricorn season will help you keep your cool whenever life’s plot twists inevitably present themselves. 
Read your horoscopes for your sun and rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

You’re likely feeling more confident about yourself and your career path now that the new moon in Capricorn has struck in that sector of your life, Aries. Mercury’s re-entrance into Capricorn has you taking your professional initiatives more seriously, but it could also amp up your bossy or stubborn nature, so beware of that.
This weekend, Pluto’s re-entrance into Aquarius — which coincides with the start of Aquarius season — leads to you becoming a stellar and somewhat unconventional communicator and community organiser these next months. The Aquarius energy in the cosmos is energising you and helping you break free of preconceived notions you have about yourself and others. It’s never too late to fully rebrand yourself and reimagine the legacy you’d like to leave in the world with the help of people who believe in your vision.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, you’re feeling a strong urge to discover new parts of the world, as well as your inner world. Now that Mercury has re-entered your fellow earth sign of Capricorn — and as we’re still under the influence of last week’s new moon in Capricorn — your sector of expansion and long journeys is super activated, making it somewhat difficult for you to focus on anything mundane or overly predictable.
This becomes even more of the case on the 20th, when Pluto makes an iconic re-entrance into Aquarius for the next seven months the same day that Aquarius season begins. Your Taurus energy tends to square off (aka create astrological friction) with Aquarius energy, but because Uranus — Aquarius’ planetary ruler — is about to end its retrograde in your sign on the 27th, you’re actually up for the challenge of this Age of Aquarius. You can tell that it will help radicalise your life and revolutionise your thoughts.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, with your planetary ruler Mercury having re-entered Capricorn, your focus this week is on life and death matters. You may find yourself thinking and feeling more morbid than usual. It’s likely that you’re currently in a mourning or grieving process — either due to the literal death of someone, or more due to a metaphorical process of letting go of what you once knew or who you once were. Allow yourself to dig deep into your own psyche as you figure out what you need to heal.
This weekend, your emotions start to lighten up once Aquarius season begins on the 20th, followed by Pluto re-entering Aquarius that same day. You feel at ease with Aquarius energy, which means a new aspect of your identity is likely to emerge or be discovered during this Pluto in Aquarius era (which will ultimately last 20 years).

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, your relationships are going through a major period of rebirth, and this final week of Capricorn season will challenge you to maintain emotional maturity, while also making sure your own needs are met and you’re not silencing yourself in order to not rock the boat.
Mercury’s re-entrance into Capricorn is encouraging you to gain clarity and security in the connections that matter most to you — that also means assessing ways you can provide greater reassurance to people who are curious about your intentions.
This weekend, the sun and Pluto both enter Aquarius on the same day — January 20th — and this significantly changes the cosmic energy. You’ll notice your attention shifting to your wellness routine as well as the ways you seek to be of service to the world. Your more revolutionary side is likely to emerge during the Age of Aquarius, and your compassionate and intuitive nature is exactly what’s needed to help awaken the masses. Pace yourself during this journey, moon child.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, with Mercury now in Capricorn right off the heels of the new moon in Capricorn, you’re definitely in a more ambitious state of mind this week. You have a master plan that you are envisioning in detail in your mind — use Mercury in Capricorn to write down the vision somewhere you can regularly return to, as a way to condition your mind to find ways to bring the vision to life.
On the 20th, when the sun and Pluto both enter Aquarius, you may find that the pathways you were looking for become apparent, largely due to the people in your inner circle who help open up doors for you. All of this Aquarius energy in the cosmos is stimulating your sector of marriage and partnership, meaning that the more you intentionally connect and collaborate with people who share your values, the further you’ll go.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Make life your playground and ultimate fairy tale this week, Virgo. With your planetary ruler Mercury having just re-entered Capricorn, your sector of fate, true love and creativity is activated. More than ever, you’re finding yourself dreaming of doing more expansive and spontaneous activities — especially the ones you previously were too afraid to do. Last week’s Capricorn new moon helped you push past limiting beliefs and see what’s possible for you beyond your comfort zone.
Be careful what you wish for, though, because once the sun and Pluto both enter Aquarius on January 20th, you’ll notice that you’re pushed way out of any zone you’ve ever been in — you’ll feel like you’re in an entirely new dimension, where you have to get your bearings and start over from scratch. Life as you know it will change during Pluto’s twenty-year transit through Aquarius, but fortunately it won’t change overnight. Your mission this weekend, Virgo, is to keep working on the art of releasing what you cannot control.

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, now that Mercury has re-entered Capricorn, you may be thinking of ways to better organise your home or create more of a structure in family-related schedules. You’re not necessarily a fan of routine, but all this Capricorn energy in the cosmos has you seeking more clarity and order, which could lead to you trying out different productivity hacks or creating new rituals that deepen your connection and presence with your loved ones.
This weekend, the sun and Pluto both enter your fellow air sign of Aquarius, and this lights up your sector of fate, true love, and creativity. You’ll notice a sharp contrast from your more serious demeanour in the first part of the week — Aquarius energy will have you wanting to be the life of the party and the centre of attention. Allow yourself to be more carefree and adventurous under this influence. Less planning, more playing.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

You’ve been taking life, and yourself, so seriously these past few weeks, Scorpio. This week you may notice that you’ve taken it too far, and you’ll be itching for an escape of some sort. Mercury’s current transit through Capricorn is stimulating your communication sector, and it’s allowing you to pierce through people and situations like an X-ray, making it hard to engage in idle banter or small talk. If possible, plan a private escape to the forest or to a remote area during this final week of Capricorn season. You may find that talking to the trees makes you feel more understood than talking with humans.
Everything in your life is about to change once the sun and Pluto both enter Aquarius on January 20. It may not happen immediately, but because you’re ruled by Pluto — the Planet of Transformation — over the course of these next two decades you will gradually start to feel and act more like an Aquarius. You’ll be less clingy with those you love, less easily emotionally triggered, and more intellectually focused. This won’t happen overnight, but as soon as this weekend you may notice yourself feeling healthily detached from what you once used to intensely control. A new era has arrived, Scorpio.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, last week’s Capricorn new moon helped you manifest more wealth, but now that Mercury is in Capricorn you’re being asked to redefine what wealth, abundance, and success means to you, as well as what it looks and feels like to you. This is a very subjective response, and you’re encouraged to tap into this final week of Capricorn season to create an objective answer for no one but yourself. This will help you have a pillar with which you can guide yourself as you navigate 2024. But remember Sag, knowing your values is one thing — living by them is another.
This weekend, the cosmos invites you to surrender to universal flow as both the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on the 20th. Pluto is gearing up for a 20-year journey in Aquarius, which will stimulate your sector of communication and creativity for the next two decades. It’s quite likely that any creative project you undertake during this Aquarius energy will be successful, as long as you’re able to tap into the fixed energy of Aquarius and see your projects through ’til the end.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

How are you feeling after that epic new moon in your sign, Capricorn? This week feels like part two of your solar season, because Mercury, the Planet of Communication, is back in your sign. Think back to where you were from 13th to 23rd December, when Mercury was retrograde in your sign. Whatever key lessons or challenges you were dealing with back then are likely to resurface now, and you’ll see them from a new perspective.
You’re in the final stretch of Pluto’s stay in your sign, so if you feel the need to retreat from the public eye this week and do your own thing, give in to that desire. The universe is sending you many signs and messages, and in order to integrate them it’s best for you to indulge in silence.
On the 20th, both the sun and Pluto bid adieu to your sign and enter Aquarius, stimulating your sector of resources and self-esteem. You’ll start to come out of your shell this weekend, and gradually allow people back into your orbit.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

You’ll enter this week feeling ready to take on the world, Aquarius. Mercury’s entrance into Capricorn has solidified your spiritual foundations, helping you remain mentally strong as the sun and Pluto prepare to enter your sign this weekend. You may notice that your intuitive powers are deepening, but your more practical side may initially reject some of your gut instincts — resist the urge to do so, and trust the wisdom of your third eye.
On the 20th, Pluto and the sun both enter your sign. Pluto will remain in your sign until September 1, and the sun will spend four weeks there. All eyes, ears, and even some lips will be on you during Aquarius season, and your mission is to tap into Mars’ presence in Capricorn to remain discerning and intentional about who you share your energy and resources with, and why. Your energy is precious, so preserve it wisely.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, this final week of Capricorn season has you in a social mood, but also a super selective one. The recent Capricorn new moon helped you weed out your true friends from your frenemies, so this week make sure you’re giving your attention to people you feel emotionally safe around, and release any people-pleasing tendencies that drain your energy. Mercury’s presence in Capricorn helps you set the necessary boundaries and ensure that only the real ones make their way into your orbit.
This weekend is astrologically potent, as both the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on the 20th, highlighting your sector of spirituality and closure. You’re learning how to be present with life’s uncertainties, rather than trying to numb or distract yourself from them. You may surprise yourself with your ability to detach from people and situations you previously would cling on to. This Aquarius era will help you deepen your love for yourself, and for humanity. Take these shifts breath by breath. 

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