Your Horoscope This Week: 28th January to 3rd February

As we enter the week, Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, is spending its first full week direct in the sign of Taurus. Uranus will still be in its post-retrograde shadow period for the next several weeks, but we’ll collectively feel less anxious this week, especially as the energy from the Leo full moon begins to wane. 
This week is ideal for confronting the disruptions and changes we’ve been experiencing ever since Pluto entered Aquarius on the 20th. Be honest about what you like and don’t like about your current life path, and be courageous enough to make the necessary adjustments. The moon spends time in Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio this week, so the collective themes have to do with adding structure, balance and emotional sensitivity to our lives. You’ll end the month of January on a reflective and love-oriented note, and you’ll begin February feeling supercharged with dynamic energy as the Scorpio moon harmonises with Mercury and Mars in Capricorn.
Read your horoscopes for your sun and rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, now that the Leo full moon’s energy is waning, you’re reflecting on ways to add more fun and spontaneity into your life. If you had a serious mindset for most of January — especially since your ruler Mars is currently in Capricorn — give yourself the chance to break out of your typical routine as January comes to an end and February begins. Go on an impromptu road trip, play hooky from work, send that risky text to your crush. Aquarius Season wants you to remember that life is meant to be lived to the fullest. 
This is also Uranus’ first week direct in Taurus, activating your sector of money and self-esteem. You’re in the mood to create greater financial stability in your life, which means slowing down enough to track your spending and saving habits, and making adjustments as needed. With Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, currently in this sector of your chart too, you have four more months to prioritise your financial growth, so make this a fun part of your daily experience rather than viewing it as a burdensome responsibility.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, now that Uranus has ended its retrograde in your sign, you’re going to feel more confident, capable, and loved than you have these past five months, when both Uranus and Jupiter were retrograde. This is your period of re-emergence, and if there’s anything that last week’s Leo full moon taught you, it’s to boss up and take your life journey seriously, because the Universe wants to see you succeed. Spend time this week mapping out a game plan for what you’ll be focusing on in February — no planets will be retrograde that month, allowing you to move full speed ahead on your passion projects. 
The Moon’s transits through Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio this week highlights your sectors of creativity, health, and relationships, so these are likely to be the main themes in your life as January comes to an end and February begins. You’d benefit from allowing your imagination to run wild without expectation, and also from committing to a wellness regimen, perhaps with an accountability buddy by your side. You’re motivated to improve every aspect of yourself, inside and out — make sure to pace yourself in the process.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, last week’s Leo full moon activated your communication sector and awakened you to moments when overthinking got the best of you. It’s time to break free from self-perceived limitations, and this is the week to do so. If you have a presentation to pitch or a cause to defend, get on your soapbox and let the world hear what you have to say. With your planetary ruler Mercury currently in Capricorn, you’re speaking with authority and confidence, and this will help you get ahead. 
This is Uranus’ first full week direct in the sign of Taurus, which highlights your sector of spirituality and healing. This is your sign to let go of any grudges you may be consciously or unconsciously holding on to, even if you thought you had previously released them. The energy of the full moon will continue to be felt this week, making this process of release easier and softer for you, especially since Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, is in your fellow air sign of Aquarius. Let go breath by breath.

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, now that the Leo full moon has taken place in your sector of money and security, you’re entering this week with a more abundant and strategic mindset. Forgive yourself for past money mistakes you may have made, and have the courage to start over with a clean slate, especially now that Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, is in Aquarius, highlighting your sector of outside resources and merging. This is an ideal week to create a financial roadmap that you’d like to follow this year, and commit to sticking to it. 
With Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, spending its first week direct in Taurus, you’ll be in the mood to fine-tune your friendships as well as your relationship to social media. If you’ve dealt with frenemies lately, it’s important to not resort to passive-aggressive behaviour, but to set firm yet loving boundaries so that you can protect your peace and your energy. Let go of so-so relationships so you can call in enriching ones. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Embrace this new era you’re stepping into, Leo. Now that your annual full moon has taken place, you’re feeling like a caterpillar that’s morphed into a butterfly. But what to do with your new set of wings? That’s what you’ll be reflecting on this week. You have a blank canvas on which to paint your dream life, and it’s up to you to allow yourself to go after what you really want — even if the Moon-Pluto opposition that recently occurred may have prompted you to feel more indecisive or moody than usual. 
Fortunately, now that Uranus, the Planet of Change, is direct in your fellow fixed sign of Taurus, you’ll notice that feelings of restlessness or indecision start to wane in the coming weeks. The key is to ride the waves of change — especially now that Pluto is in Aquarius, another fixed sign — rather than resisting them. Accept the fact that you’re no longer the same person you were six months ago, Leo. You’re evolving beautifully.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, Uranus’ shift direct in your fellow earth sign of Taurus has felt soothing for your nervous system, especially since your planetary ruler Mercury is currently in Capricorn until 5th February. We may be entering a period where the element of air is taking over, but having Uranus, Venus, Mars, and Mercury all currently in earth signs is helping stabilise your mind, allowing you to think long term. If you can, take a break from your usual work routine as the month of January ends, and go on an escapade somewhere to clear your mind and truly evaluate your most pressing priorities. 
The energy of the Leo full moon still lingers through the cosmos and through your subconscious mind this week. Your spirituality sector was activated by this lunation, so you may still be finding it hard to let go of what you know is no longer meant for you. Give yourself grace as February begins, especially since you’ll have another opportunity to practice letting go when the full moon takes place in your sign at the end of February. Trust that everything is operating on divine timing, and be your own best friend right now. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, as the week begins you’re still taking in the cosmic downloads from last week’s Leo full moon, which stimulated your sector of friendship and tech. You may have called out anyone in your life who seemed to be opportunistic, and you also checked yourself to make sure you weren’t judging others if you yourself were displaying similar traits. Self-honesty is essential right now, especially since your planetary ruler Venus is in Capricorn, a sign that’s all about living in accordance with one’s values. End the month of January re-aligning yourself with your core values, and making sure your actions are following suit. 
Uranus spends its first week direct in your fellow Venus-ruled sign of Taurus, meaning that you may decide to look at your life from a more practical and passionate perspective as we near the start of February. If you were living in la-la land and ignoring your key responsibilities lately, Uranus’ shift direct will reorient you toward what’s most essential. Your sector of depth and outside resources is activated by this transit, so these next seven months are ideal for forging meaningful collaborations and financial partnerships with people who want to invest in you and contribute to your growth. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, no one knows how much you’ve been going through these past few weeks, because you’re so good at hiding it. Last week’s Leo full moon may have also led to you unconsciously putting on a mask and avoiding vulnerability in order to remain “strong”. But deep down, all you want is cuddles and love… And in order to receive what you want, you have to let down those tough walls you tend to place around your heart, as a self-protective measure. You have to allow yourself to be vulnerable. You have to make sure you’re not using work or productivity as an escape from facing your deepest feelings, especially now that Pluto, one of your planetary rulers, is squaring off (creating astrological friction) with your natal Scorpio sun. Face yourself and your life fully. 
The good news is that Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, spends its first week direct in Taurus, which activates your sector of partnership and marriage. If you’ve been going through a rollercoaster emotionally when it comes to love, dating, romance, and healing from past wounds, things are about to start to feel more stable and positive in the coming weeks, as Uranus makes its way out of its post-shadow period. The key is to get clear about what you really want from love, and be honest with yourself about if you’re willing to put in the work to receive what you claim you want. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, as the week begins you’re taking in the fiery energy from last week’s Leo full moon, which activated your sector of expansion, media, and long journeys. Anything that has to do with being public-facing and sharing your ideas via a large platform is encouraged for you to take part in this week. You’re feeling enlightened by Pluto’s newfound presence in Aquarius, activating your sector of communication and helping you speak your truth without fear or limitation. 
Now that Uranus is spending its first full week direct in Taurus, your sector of wellness and service is activated for the next seven months, making this an ideal time to start a new fitness routine or pick an old one back up. The key is to remain consistent and disciplined, and since Mars, the Planet of Action, is currently in Capricorn (along with Mercury and Venus) in your sector of self-esteem, you’ll have the drive and motivation to commit to feeling great physically and internally.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, as the week begins you’re feeling the influence of the Leo full moon, which occurred in your sector of outside merging. This week you may receive an opportunity to collaborate with someone on a passion project that matters a lot to you. Check in with how your body feels in response to this news — if you feel energised and excited, then it’s a sign to go for it. But if you feel strong sensations of doubt or skepticism, it’s a sign to slow down and read the fine print to make sure this isn’t too good to be true. With Mercury, Venus, and Mars all in your sign right now, you have the clarity it takes to make a solid and mature decision. 
Now that Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, is direct in your fellow earth sign of Taurus for the next seven months, you’re in the mood to express yourself creatively and stop taking life too seriously. This may be easier said than done, as the Capricorn energy in the cosmos could lead to you putting more pressure on yourself to get your life together. But Uranus’ shift direct is here to remind you that life is about more than just work… At the end of your life, will people remember the countless promotions you received, or will they remember the way you decided to let your inner child lead and make life a work of art? It’s up to you to decide how to allocate your time so that you’re feeling balanced. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Your birthday season keeps going strong, Aquarius. Now that the energy from the Leo full moon is waning, you’re likely to want to spend time with people who have been your ride-or-dies. Last week’s Leo full moon revealed the people who didn’t have your best interests at heart, and you may have had to cut the cord with them (this process may still be ongoing, so be patient with yourself if you haven’t fully released unhealthy relationship dynamics). The space that you cleared out last week is leading to the right people and opportunities entering your life this week and in coming weeks. 
You’ll also feel greater momentum in your daily affairs due to Uranus, one of your planetary rulers, now being direct in Taurus — a fellow fixed sign. Your more bossy and temperamental side may emerge this week, but it’s likely because you’ll have an inspiring idea for how to revolutionise your life and your career path, and you’ll want to get started on it asap. With no planets retrograde for all of February and March, you have the green light to take leaps of faith and bring your dreams to life, just make sure to pace yourself in the process or else you may suffer from burnout.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, you’ve made it through the Leo full moon in your sector of health and wellness. This week you’ll be paying attention to the messages and signals you’re receiving from your body. If you’ve been overworking yourself or allowing stress to get to you, spend time indulging in self-care as much as you can. Book yourself a massage, take a mental health break, indulge in your favourite herbal remedies. You’ve been experiencing quite a number of shifts lately, and it’s essential for you to process the change that you’re going through without succumbing to distraction or escapism. 
This is an ideal week for letting yourself create works of art, just for the sake of it. Uranus is direct in Taurus in your sector of communication, and this harmonises with your Pisces nature, allowing you to ground yourself in tangible activities such as pottery, gardening, drawing, songwriting, and dancing. The more you allow yourself to let loose without restraining yourself, the more free and fulfilled you’ll feel emotionally and spiritually. 

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