Your Horoscope This Week: 30th July To 5th August 2023

Who do you want to be as July ends and August begins? All zodiac signs would benefit from taking time to get clear on that this week. The highlight of the week is the Aquarius full moon taking place on Tuesday 1st August. With the sun in Leo opposing the Aquarius moon, we’ll be feeling a push and pull between our desire for validation and our search for community. 
Once the moon shifts into Pisces on the 3rd and conjoins Saturn shortly afterwards, we may be hit with unexpected waves of vulnerability and nostalgia. Inner wounds we thought we had previously overcome may suddenly resurface. As much as Leo season tends to amp up our confidence, Mars in Virgo, Venus’ current retrograde and the Pisces moon encourage us to explore our sensitivities through grounding ourselves in healing and regenerative rituals. 
The week ends with the Aries moon reigniting a sense of momentum in our lives as the full moon energy begins to wane. Moving our body and practising the art of being present would benefit us greatly this first week of August. 
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, this week’s Aquarius full moon activates your sector of friendship and social networks. A peaceful release of ties that feel one-sided may be in order, and the airy energy of Aquarius will help you cut unhealthy cords without casting blame on anyone and rather viewing it as a lesson learned. Keep in mind that Venus is retrograde in Leo during this full moon passage, meaning that whatever friendship stories are coming to the surface now may still take a few more months to be fully resolved. 
The full moon starts to wane on Wednesday and shifts into the sign of Pisces, deepening your need for alone time to recharge your batteries. If you can, schedule a meditative session for yourself in the second half of the week, as it will help you decompress and instil a sense of calm into your consciousness. 
Once the moon enters your sign late Friday night, you may feel more energetic than you have all week, making this weekend an especially adventurous one since the sun is in your fellow fire sign of Leo. Prepare to receive even more attention than you’re used to — but since Venus is retrograde in Leo, the attention may come from unexpected sources, even undesired ones. The key is to be firm in your boundary-setting and clear in your desires (or lack thereof). 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, this week’s Aquarius full moon squares off with your Taurus nature and may create some disruption in your career sector. This could look like suddenly quitting your job or being laid off. While this may initially feel immensely unsettling, be aware that this may be a redirection rather than a burden. This full moon encourages you to pave your own path and be curious about the unknown rather than overly cautious of it. 
Wednesday night the moon shifts into Pisces, making Thursday and Friday great days for taking yourself or your lover(s) out on a date. Challenge yourself to share more of your inner monologue with your partner(s) in real time. Venus, your planetary ruler, is retrograde in Leo, encouraging you to let yourself be more "weird" when connecting romantically or platonically with others. Take it there, Taurus, especially if it feels right. Chances are, your partner(s) will find your authentic and quirky nature refreshing, and if they were wearing a facade, they’ll let it drop too. And voilà — the intimacy deepens.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, with your planetary ruler Mercury spending its first full week in Virgo, you’ll feel both eccentric and reserved during this Aquarius full moon week. Get curious about the inconsistencies and contradictions that may be emanating from you this week. You can learn about your multiplicities and not judge yourself so harshly for them. 
Midweek, the Pisces moon endows you with a streak of creativity and ingenuity, particularly in regards to your career. If it’s possible for you to keep a minimal workload or even take some time off this week, do so, as you’ll be feeling more sensitive to the full moon’s energy. It’ll have you in the mood to daydream as the month of August begins. Beautiful new beginnings are often born from consciously giving yourself permission to dream, when and where you want. This week is about stepping into main character energy and letting what you want come to you, with ease. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, this Aquarius full moon will throw you out of your comfort zone in ways that may initially make you want to shut out the world entirely. Your sector of depth, intimacy and outside mergers is activated by the full moon, bringing to light uncomfortable topics and discussions that must be expressed and released. 
With Mercury, the planet of communication, now in Virgo for several months, you’re being asked to express yourself based on reason and logic rather than being fully led by your emotions. This may be easier said than done but life’s not always meant to be easy, Moonchild. If you’re willing to face the obstacles coming up in your life without getting stuck in a victim-based mentality, you’ll soon train your mind to notice the solutions more than the perceived problems. 
The second half of the week is more about restoration and rest, especially Thursday through Saturday when the moon will be in Pisces. Resting doesn’t mean living a boring life — it actually looks like being fully engaged in the present moment, to the point where what once appeared to be mundane actually feels enriching and deeply fulfilling. That’s what you’re likely to experience if you lean into the softness of the second half of the week, Cancer.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, your birthday season keeps going strong and may also increase in intensity this week due to the Aquarius full moon taking place on Tuesday, just as the month of August begins. With your relationship sector most influenced by this lunation, you may find yourself breaking up or making up with someone you’ve had an intense back-and-forth with these past six months. Just keep in mind that Venus, the planet of love, is currently retrograde in your sign until September so whatever romantic decisions you make this week may not be final — you may change your mind by the Pisces full moon. 
Speaking of Pisces energy, once the moon enters Pisces on Wednesday night, you may feel like everything in your life has suddenly been emotionally heightened, as your sector of depth, intimacy and mergers will be activated, encouraging you to be more honest with yourself about what your spirit needs to feel fulfilled in this moment. The week ends with the moon entering your fellow Fire sign of Aries, encouraging you to remain optimistic even when feeling emotionally overwhelmed.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, now that your planetary ruler Mercury is in your sign (for an extended stay, until October), your mind may feel sharper and more alert this week. The Aquarius full moon lights up your sector of routine, service and wellness, indicating that you may decide to peacefully detach from whatever obligations you told yourself you "must" fulfil. There’s nothing you absolutely have to do if you don’t really want to do it, Virgo. 
Once the moon enters Pisces on Wednesday night, your focus shifts to your relationships and you’re likely to feel more loving and compassionate under this lunar transit. The opposition between the Pisces moon and Mercury and Mars in your sign helps you assess your own fears or vulnerability and inner blockages, making the second half of the week a poignant time for journalling your true feelings or letting them out in a therapy session.

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, this full moon week is all about inviting more fun and pleasure in your life, even if your planetary ruler Venus is currently retrograde in Leo for another month and a half. With Chiron’s retrograde in Aries activating your partnership sector, you’re being jolted into a world where being radically honest about what turns you on and off in your romantic relationships (past, current, or potential) will pay off for you. If you’ve grappled with indecision during Mercury’s transit through Leo earlier in July, you’ll start to feel a sense of wisdom and maturity due to Mercury’s transit through Virgo, which activates your sector of spirituality and healing. 
Midweek, the Pisces moon stimulates a need for nurturing — you want to to feel taken care of. All you have to do is mentally let the universe know that this is what you want and you will notice that people respond to your subconscious call. This is one of the benefits of Venus’ retrograde — it helps strengthen your subconscious mind, if you’re curious about what’s going on in there. 
The Pisces moon encourages quiet self-reflection, particularly on Thursday and Friday. You’ll be in your own little world during this lunar transit so it’s best to plan all social outings for when the moon enters Aries and lights up your partnership sector on Saturday.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, this week’s Aquarius full moon has you reflecting on what your core values are and what your relationship to home and family is. You may have been moving around quite a bit these past six months, ever since the Aquarius new moon, but now that Venus and Chiron are both retrograde you’re seeking a sense of structure, while still maintaining a spirit of freedom and adventure. That’s what this full moon will allow you to do — get very clear about what that blend of structure and freedom looks and feels like. Perhaps it means apartment swapping with a close friend and spending six months or a year in a country you’ve always wanted to call home. It could also look like downsizing or upgrading your current home. Only you know what’s best — the key is to take action towards it this week. 
Once the moon enters Pisces on Wednesday night, your attention shifts to your love life, your creative projects and your inner child. You’ve been doing an excellent job of letting your inner child take the lead lately, especially now that the South Node is out of your sign. This weekend will take this self-love journey to the next level — if you’re single, you’re likely to radiate so much charm that admirers will be popping up left and right. And if you’re coupled, it’s an ideal time for a sensual date night. Just remember that Venus is currently retrograde so slowing down and getting clear about your own intentions when connecting with others is key.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, the way you speak your truth is evolving in a way that may be surpassing your own understandings. This Aquarius full moon week may be one of the most unconventional weeks you’ve experienced so far this year. You may be reimagining every aspect of your life right now, and this lunation can take you to extremes by encouraging you to let go of everything you know and start over. While the temptation for rebirth is strong, keep in mind that Venus, the planet of love and magnetism, is currently retrograde in your fellow Fire sign of Leo until September, so not everything is as it seems. 
Midweek, the Pisces moon brings out your inner dreamer and might make it challenging for you to focus on mundane tasks. Take that as a sign to let go of as many responsibilities as you can — especially the ones you keep telling yourself you "have" to do — and indulge in life’s simple pleasures such as flying a kite, running on the beach or cooking your favourite meal. Consciously allowing yourself downtime will reinvigorate you from the inside out, and by the time the moon enters Aries this Saturday you’re likely to feel physically and spiritually strong.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, what would it be like for you to lean into the idea of financial abundance without feeling the urge to control how it looks and how it manifests in your life? This week’s Aquarius full moon helps you reflect on any limiting beliefs you have regarding your wealth journey. You’re known for being a driven, ambitious and responsible being, but what if your current secret to cultivating greater abundance came from doing something completely different from what you’re used to? 
With Venus, the planet of magnetism, currently retrograde in Leo, the less you do, the more you make. This retrograde, combined with this week’s eccentric full moon, encourages you to be more of a rebel, even if at first the unknown feels terrifying. The treasures you seek exist in the places you’re most unwilling to look. 
Midweek, the Pisces moon helps open up your heart chakra as the full moon energy begins to wane. If you’ve been keeping your intimate feelings to yourself, you’ll suddenly feel an urge to pour your heart out to a past, current or potential lover, particularly Thursday and Friday. This courage is also facilitated by the recent nodal shifts, as the energy of Aries and Libra (the current placement of the nodes) is helping you understand the magic of being authentically true to your feelings in any given moment. Speak up and you’ll be rewarded, Capricorn.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Happy full moon in your sign, Aquarius! Supreme manifestation magic is at your disposition — even more than usual — this week. The more clear you are about where you’d like to direct your energy, the more fulfilled you’ll feel under this potent lunation. However, since Venus, the planet of love and connection, is currently retrograde in your opposite sign of Leo, you may be experiencing dissonance between what you want from yourself and what you can sense others need from you. You’re not usually one to bend simply for the sake of others’ needs but this retrograde is throwing you for a loop, so you may find yourself more easily led by unconscious behavioural patterns this week. 
As the moon starts to wane and enters Pisces on Wednesday night, money matters will be on your mind but not in an overwhelming way… Rather in an amusing way. You’ll have fun imagining all the ways you previously complicated your life by trying to achieve your financial goals through a specific system. Let go of the system altogether, Aquarius. 
With your planetary ruler Saturn also in the sign of Pisces, you’re being asked to dissolve boundaries and release fixed views about what’s "wrong" or "right" about wealth-building. Think out of the box and stretch yourself beyond your typical imaginings and that’s where you’ll tap into a completely new realm of what abundance truly means and what it really feels like. Hint: The more time you spend in nature during the second half of the week, the more tapped in you’ll truly be.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, about one month from now you’ll be experiencing the full moon in your sign. But this week’s Aquarius full moon serves as a preparation for that chapter of your life, which is why it activates your sector of spirituality and closure, and it could make you want to retreat from the outside world and spend the week in hibernation. 
Take time for yourself as the week begins, if you have the capacity to do so — turn down social invitations and take a break from your usual social media routine. There’s much power that comes from solitude and self-reflection. 
Once the moon enters your sign on Wednesday night and then conjoins with Saturn, also in your sign, later in the week, you’ll feel a surge of intuitive awareness regarding where to direct your energy in the month of August. It’ll feel like you were struck by a proverbial bolt of lightning, helping reorient you toward where you’re meant to flourish. The key is to trust this "aha" moment as it comes and not overthink it.
Correction: This story originally included some information from previous horoscopes. This information has now been removed. We regret the error.

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